By now, we have learned a lot about diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2, and diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.

Regardless of the severity stage of diabetes, for example, prediabetes vs. diabetes, it’s important to have an action plan you can refer to. That can also guide you with your journey to overcome the daily challenges of living with diabetes.

My attempt of this article is to provide you with such a plan, formerly known as a Nursing Care Plan for Type 2 Diabetes for home use.

Before further due, let me explain what a Nursing Care Plan really means and how that can help you day-to-day.

And, then the Plan.

Written by Shani Liyanage, an Australia-base Registered Healthcare Practitioner with a Masters qualification from the University of Newcastle (Australia) and with decades of hands-on experience working for hospitals and in aged-care.

What is a Nursing Care Plan for Type 2 Diabetes?

This is a plan, guide, and a checklist to help you provide proper care for an individual or family with type 2 diabetes. This nursing plan is explicitly allotted to diabetic patients.

The nursing plan merely focuses on methods proven to work with proper comprehensive treatment tactics offered to patients at hospitals and nursing home facilities, which can be used at individual and family levels.

The care plan involves diagnosis, monitoring, and planning the management that detains on effective recovery from type 2 diabetes through regular sugar monitoring, diets, exercises, and timely medications (e.g., insulin).

How to Use This Nursing Plan for Diabetic Patients?

A treatment program is formed that seeks recovery and emphasis on changes and interventions that can be implemented promptly to the patient.

It involves a process of changes that are needed in making diabetes-related conditions (e.g., diabetic wound care) quite better for the patients. The person who provides nursing care should keep track of all the caring planning processes in the patient’s care.

I encourage people who provide self-care for their diabetes to use this Nursing Care Plan as well.

The Goal of This Nursing Care Plan for Diabetes

The goal for any nursing plan is it bring more beneficial changes in a patient’s life in terms of numerous healings. The ‘healings’ which are monitored through a complete Nursing Care Plan such as this are spiritual, psychological, social, and, most importantly the physical ones. The target is to examine all the improvements coming on health in different forms as you care for someone with diabetes.

The Fundamentals of Nursing Care Plan for Type 2 Diabetes – The Checklist

This Nursing Care Plan is based on 10 key focus areas when managing type 2 diabetes from home.

They are:

Focus 1 – Important Past Health Information

Focus 2 – Your (or patient’s) Lifestyle

Focus 3 – Results of the Objective Examinations and Test Results

Focus 4 – Diabetes Monitoring

Focus 5 – Diabetes Management

Focus 6 – Your (patient’s) Endurance

Focus 7 – Symptoms and Complications Management

Focus 8 – Skin Management

Focus 9 – Healthy Immunity for Infection Control

Focus 10 – Positive Health Beliefs and Psychology

Let’s explore each focus area of the Care Plan to understand them better, especially the key actions under each.

Focus 1 – Important Past Health Information

Just to remind you of the complexity of diabetes, hence the importance of keeping a record of your past diabetes information, let’s touch on to some diabetes background.

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What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a medical condition known to be ‘chronic’ – in other words lasting for years, if not a lifetime. In this disease, the blood sugar level increases to a higher level.

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As you may know, the insulin hormone that helps in moving the glucose into the cells from the blood is a key ‘item’ effected. It is then utilized in enhancing energy levels.

In diabetes, the constant increase of the glucose levels can impact most aspects of your life, health as beyond.

Tip: Did you know the root cause of diabetes? I already discussed the role of genetics in diabetes.

Main types of diabetes

There are three main types of diabetics commonly known for Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational diabetes. We covered those types in detail in other articles, so just click on the links if you wish to explore them more.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes refers to where the body is not in a condition to utilize insulin. More of your pancreas that produces the insulin as with the assembly of insulin produces the high sugar levels.

In the patients suffering from type 2 diabetes, their body cells face difficulty in having a response towards insulin. In the later stages of diabetes, your body may also not produce enough insulin.

When type 2 diabetes is at a level when it cannot be controlled, it can cause blood glucose to reach dangerously high levels. As a result, several symptoms might emerge, and this can result in serious complications for the person.

Eventually, the person with type 2 diabetes could lose the capacity to respond appropriately to insulin. Furthermore, it applies to the body functioning that stops responding. If type 2 is uncontrollable, it can lead to high sugar levels that cause some symptoms and require serious attention.

Tip: Here are symptoms of diabetes in men, women, and children. They are not the same!

Medication for type 2 diabetes

In many situations, the changes in lifestyle can lead to fruitful results for type 2 diabetes. It can keep the disease under control.

There are many medications that can also provide good results for the patients. However, there is one issue – like any medication, treatments for type 2 diabetes also may have side effects. Therefore, it can take some time to find the right combination of the medicines for each patient, which can eventually prove useful in the treatment of diabetes.

The medications are indeed necessary for controlling problems, not just directly associated with blood sugar levels but even high blood pressure and other medical conditions you may be experiencing as well.

Here are the popular medications used in the treatment of diabetes.

1. Insulin therapy

If your diabetes is at a stage where your body can’t produce enough insulin, then you may need insulin injections.

Again, depending on the severity of your diabetes condition, you may only need a long-acting insulin injection taken at night, or if not, it may be necessary to take insulin several times per day (depending on your blood glucose level).

2. Metformin – Can help you with how your body responds to insulin along with lowering your sugar levels.

3. Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors – Support the process of sending the glucose into your urine and prevent the kidney from absorbing glucose.

4. Sulfonylureas – Helps in making more insulin in your body.

5. Meglitinides – Rapid relieve medicine that is helpful for not just releasing a certain amount of insulin but even with restoring the pancreas as well.

6. Thiazolidinediones – Helps the body to have a strong response towards insulin.

Your understanding regarding all the essential medicines that can prove vital in the overall effective management of diabetes.

Remember, although type 2 is a chronic disease lasting a lifetime for a majority, you can effectively treat it under controlled conditions and even may reverse it.

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Given the complexity of diabetes, it’s important to keep a record of:

  • Your diabetes diagnosis,
  • History of other health conditions,
  • It’s severity,
  • Blood glucose level charts,
  • Details of common symptoms,
  • Details of rare symptoms,
  • Medications you are taking to manage diabetes,
  • Medications you are taking to manage other health conditions, and
  • Medication-related and missed-medication-dose-related events (if any)

Focus 2 – Your Lifestyle

What you think the lifestyle of a diabetic patient would be like? Some serious diet plans and always peeping into their medicines. But on the contrary, this does not apply to all.

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All the diabetic patients can enjoy fully by maintaining good health and heart with keeping all the phases balance in life.

It addition, managing your diabetes with medical interventions, you must monitor the following aspects of your lifestyle carefully.


Sugar levels can be controlled at a good rate once the foods are going to contain the required nutritional balance.

Diet is an integral part, and following a healthy diet will keep you healthier in terms of your disease.

Not skipping your meals and having a regular intake of diabetes-friendly nutrient foods like salmon, beans, and egg yolks will go a long way.

Also, taking care of your health by reading the labels with attention to detail about what you about to consume a good habit to add to your lifestyle.

Make sure you avoid saturated, fatty, and processed foods. Eat greener and fresh food.

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Tip: While our Type 2 Diabetes Food List provides a generalized food recommendation for type 2 diabetes, depending on your specific diabetes challenges, you may need to stick with Diabetic Gastroparesis Food List or Reactive Hypoglycemia Diet and Food List. The key is to stay away from Diabetes Food Myths and to follow our Tips if you experience blood sugar drops.


Physical training will help in losing weight, which is a good thing for type 2 diabetic patients as they are prone to obesity. Physical conditioning will bring flexibility to your body.

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Exercises like swimming, weight training, walking, yoga, and meditation. Exercise will boost up your energy to produce more insulin in the body.

Tip: Here is our recommended list of diabetes-friendly exercises to improve your muscle elasticity and body flexibility.


Assessing a deeper meaning to your life will bring more peace in you, so is the work of spirituality is.

Spirituality gives you the sense to find a real purpose in life, which eventually results in being connected to the soul of the universe. Any being who either is diabetic or a non-diabetic should work on being more spiritual.

Diabetes brings stress, trauma, and also financial instability, which is not affordable to anyone’s health, mind, and soul. Therefore, it’s likely a person with diabetes to go through from all these psychological emotions like anger, depression, anxiety, and others.

Many spiritual methods can be adopted to improve your lifestyle. Changing it into healthy smart habits, bringing a positive response, indulging in social groups could bring a good result in human patterns. Apart from this, spirituality helps to keep the balance of three important parts of life that consist of body, soul, and mind.


  • Record and monitor all aspects of lifestyle noted above and work towards improving the lifestyle in all key areas – nutrition, exercise, and spirituality.
  • In the battle with diabetes, your positive attitude and the mindset is the key. Therefore, it is important to work towards improving health perception and attitude towards nutrition, exercise, psychology and depression management, sexuality, spirituality, positive values and beliefs, …etc.

Focus 3 – Results of the Objective Examinations and Test Results

If you or your loved ones diagnosed with diabetes, it is likely him/her to undergo regular checkups to monitor for common complications of diabetes closely.

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Eye health

High blood glucose will result in issues like a vision that will be foggy. Then the below three problems can even occur.

You must conceive regular ophthalmologist visits after you have a polygenic disease (i.e., diabetes). Polygenic disease diabetes is the primary reason behind vision defects in adults ages 20 to 70.

Integumentary system (skin, hair, and nails)

Skin is prone to extreme damages by diabetes if it wasn’t managed well. When dehydrated, the high blood sugar lacks the skin to be dry.

Tip: Drain your feet or use a jelly, cream, or moisturizer. Don’t let the skin be on hold on with moist as it will cause fungal bacteria. Mostly they are to present in between fingers, toes, armpits, and corners of the mouth.

Tip: Skin ulcers and wounds are common among people with diabetes. Pressure-relieving heel protectors, best wound dressings
including negative-pressure wound therapy, all can help to speed up wound healing.

Bone and muscle function

Bone disease is a severe complexity to diabetes. Due to diabetes, the patient suffers the risk of fracture (mostly at hips). Some factors that increase the risk of fractures include sex, body mass index, and blood glucose and diabetes medications.

Neurological function

Half of the energy made by sugar is utilized by the body. The brain has the heart of neuron activity, giving directions to body cells. Glucose is somehow linked to brain functioning that consists of three critical areas such as learning, thinking, and memory.

Heart and vessel function

Your heart is being controlled by the nerves and blood vessels, but as diabetes progresses gradually the blood vessels are damaged due to the high glucose levels. The more prolonged uncontrolled diabetes will stay, the more risks of disease you will have.

Heart diseases and stroke are common complications of diabetes.


  • Keep a record of your eye health, integumentary, respiratory function, heart and vessel function, gastrointestinal tract function, neurological function, bone and muscle function, skin health, …etc. And, monitor for potential worsening of symptoms and complications.

Focus 4 – Diabetes Monitoring

Depending on the severity of diabetes, there is a possibility you might be observing some of the rare symptoms of diabetes, indicating your pancreas is not working effectively. Instead, it might be producing enough insulin, but that insulin might be struggling to convert into energy easily, so it might leave behind as high blood sugar.

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Regardless of the scenario, a proper diabetes management care plan can be referred to by your medical and nursing team of experts will help in monitoring your blood sugar and A1C levels, which you make improvements to your lifestyle with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and mindfulness.

To prevent complications and hurdles that will lead to risking your health, it is highly recommended maintaining a chart of diabetic management so you can keep track of your blood glucose levels closer to the target range that diverges between 4 to 6 mmol/L.

From your doctor’s point of view, it is also important as a part of your nursing care plan, you daily monitor your sugar levels and keep a record of it. That will allow the doctor to identify how your body systems respond to prescribed tablets and whether they work for you in a way helping to convert your blood glucose into energy.

Tip: This is what we think about Smart Dario Glucose Meter.

Also, if your records show disease progression (worsening) over time, that could be an indication that your body stops producing insulin, and if that is the case tablets that produce insulin can be promptly recommended and initiated by the doctors. Not only that, effective blood sugar monitoring will help to capture drug side-effects early before they result in harm than support.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia

It is, however, difficult to detect merely based on the symptoms whether the condition of blood sugar level is low or high. At first, at the initial prediabetes stage, there may not be signs of any kind of diabetes symptoms, but some symptoms are commoner than others and can be noticed at the first few sights at very early stages.


  • Monitor and record blood sugar levels and diabetes symptoms as you experience them.
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If you feel that the disease is progressing (based on fluctuating high/low blood glucose levels and symptoms), you need to be checked by your doctor as soon as possible so new medicines can be prescribed or the dose can be altered so you could start working on for better results.

These treatment strategies are a must in the management hyperglycemia and to reduce high sugar-related events.

  • Exercise controls your blood sugar levels, so stick with an active lifestyle as opposed to a passive one.
  • Don’t compromise on your medication, you can’t afford to miss them.
  • Have a nutritional dieting plan.
  • Check your blood sugar at least once a day, if not a few times a day.
  • Regulate your insulin for controlling hyperglycemia

Tip: Stick to a recommended blood glucose monitor for accurate results and keep track of HbA1Clevels too.

As you may know, the changes are not always about high blood glucose levels, but the low glucose levels too.

Monitor any hypoglycemic events too.

Sign of hypoglycemia

To reduce the blood sugar levels when it is quite high, either insulin or tablets are taken. When the blood glucose drops beyond the normal range is called hypoglycemia.

Tip: Here are our articles about Things You Didn’t Know About Nighttime Hypoglycemia and Things You Might Not Know About Reactive Hypoglycemia.

There could be several reasons for your dropped blood sugar levels, either no or increased physical activities, missed meals on time, or too much consumption of alcohol a few to name.

Few signs that can be observed as symptoms of hypoglycemia:

  • Running pulse
  • Headache
  • Hungry most of the time
  • Pale color
  • Often shivering
  • Lack of concentration

Tip: Headaches can cause neck pains.

For emergency treatment, you need to react to your current situation, like eating something like dextrose sugar or drinking a sugary drink. The severe hypoglycemia can make you feel drowsy and unaware. Injecting hormone glucagon can be a reluctant treatment.

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Last but not least, don’t compromise on your health and seek medical attention – highlight any records of hypoglycaemic events to your doctor.


The patient must understand

  • symptoms of hyperglycemia,
  • symptoms of hypoglycemia,
  • target blood glucose range,
  • steps to be taken based on the blood glucose level,
  • how to use glucose monitor accurately,
  • keep records of blood sugar and HbA1c readings, …etc.

Focus 5 – Diabetes Management

Medicine management for type 2

Firstly, not compromising on your medicine is your first ever priority.

Medicines assist in stabilizing your blood sugar levels and also prevent from causing serious health problems and diabetes complications.

Remember, if not managed well, diabetics might bring some serious issues. So, as noted above, keep a track by maintaining a journal in relation to your medicines and changes to your medications.

Consult your doctor at first sight when you have observed some new symptoms or changes to symptoms.

Right medicines taken at the correct time without missing any dose is important to help to heal the wounds.

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Tip: Think again if you use hydrogen peroxide on wounds.

For example, Metformin is one of the commonly used medications used for treating type 2 diabetes in an early year of the disease. However, it’s mostly used when other medicines are not working.

After you have to consult a doctor, he will probably tell you how to take drugs and their cause of action.

Remember, some drugs might cause some disturbance in your body, which will also result in some symptoms. Although side-effects are not for all, it also can have an effect based on individual persons and other medical conditions they have.

Signs like sudden weight loss/weight gain, swollen ankles, bloating, or frequent ‘feeling of being sick’ shouldn’t be ignored.


  • Patient’s education about diabetes, and roles of medication, understanding the role of nutrition in diabetes management, understand how to take medicines (including insulin), understand medication storage requirements, …etc. are all important.

Focus 6 – Patient’s Endurance

Physical training can overcome and delay surfacing complications of type 2 diabetes. There is endurance sports exercise that helps in gripping stable health. Also, blood sugar levels can be controlled through endurance training.

Being a diabetic, you should put forward the health on priority. It is important to know the safe range for training, how to acclimate to heat after exercise and for this, you might also need to consult your doctor for further advice.

Consulting a doctor for most bringing changing patterns that you ought is necessary.

The nursing care plan provides you to keep sticking to your plans with focus. For this, you can have help from a nutritionist or a dietitian too.

Avoiding hypoglycemia is very important for people who take endocrine or insulin secretagogues. If blood glucose is below 90 mg/dl before exercise, then people taking these medications might have the benefit of a snack that features saccharide.

For exercise that has a duration of more than 60 minutes, the extra saccharide is also required to keep blood glucose inside the secure range.

Hypoglycemia is common for people with diabetes who don’t take endocrine.

For a few people, intense physical activity might even raise glucose levels; instead of causing hypoglycemia. If this happens, manage the event and consult your doctor to review your plan.

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As you have indulged in endurance sports, consider the following some basic steps:

  • Follow your glucose range also check your sugar levels more often.
  • Carrying a glucose tablet, sports drink, or sugary fruit.
  • Watch for any blood sugar fluctuation after eating/drinking, during, and after exercising.

Tip: Hyperglycemia is worse with dehydration, and high levels of blood glucose will cause the body to lose extra water. In this case, your pee color ought to be yellowness throughout the day.

  • Consider wearing a medical alert tag or a bracelet that keeps on alerting you.
  • Unless you are capable enough of preventing hypoglycemia, always train with someone who knows what to do in an unforeseen event of hyper or hypo.

Any disease that occurs in the body brings unusual patterns. These patterns, along with bringing a conscience of fear, monitoring daily medicines, and day to day struggle of taking them.

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No disease comes with fantastic endurance. It’s real and also keeps on itching your face. Some can be decided by us to you so, you are aware of them beforehand.

Another thing there is no need for you to worry much about the disease, but only to take action. Worrying will cause stress that will lapse yours performs down. So stay away from tension, stress or anxiety. It’s okay if you are a diabetic, you just have to learn to live within.

Tip: Anxiety symptoms in women can be different from men and children.

Most people struggle to have a family who keeps a check and balance for having meals on time and medicines to be given on time. Some have, but some don’t.

But this never means that there is a need for you to stop or dishearten yourself.

You can track down all the details of your medicines in a daily journal, alarm, or someone you meet every day.

Habits journal has selected sections that consist of goals based on a yearly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis. If this is brought into proper guidance, it can help as a daily reminder.

We all have someone who either loves us or is loved by us. In both circumstances, you can appoint someone as a daily helper to your medicine either can be your family member or someone from the nursing care team.

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  • Stick with recommendations and just take action. Don’t waste emotions by overthinking about what you are dealing with – it’s diabetes!
  • Make sure and monitor that patient has a daily routine, not lazy, not agitated, and have a family or friend to assist with tasks that patients struggle to perform.

Focus 7 – Short-term and Long-term symptoms and Complications Management

Short and long term complications are caused due to the negligence of not keeping your blood sugar under control. Most of such difficulties are not challenging to evade.

Again, regular monitoring, appropriate medications, body weight control, timely visits to your doctor, healthy lifestyle with regular exercising and healthy meals, all can contribute towards avoiding potential diabetes complications.

Tip: make sure your doctor is the correct doctor to treat your diabetes.

Two main types of complications associated with Diabetes Type 2 are below.

Short-term complications

The short-term complications could be directly associated with hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels) and hypoglycemia (a condition where blood glucose levels drop down).

Besides, these complications can result from changes to your medication (e.g., aspirin, lowers the sugar levels if the dose is taken that is more than 1 mg), lifestyle, and use of alcohol.

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Treatment for short term complications

Actions: Avery patient should have an action plan on how to react to hypo and hyper episodes. Most important is to alert your carer or medical team that you need help and attention!

A short-term hypo or hyper event can be identified by their signs or symptoms.


The whiteness of skin,


Increased heartbeat, and

Other symptoms.

Cases that are not at their peaks (severe) but are mild can be treated at home with orange juice, glucose tablet, or sugary fruit that will build your glucose level.

Remember, type 2 diabetic patients should carry glucagon. It’s a hormone that creates a process to boost your glucose level.

The syndrome known as Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic or HHNS is a condition when the blood sugar goes high; also, if not correctly attended can cause some serious damage. It mostly occurs when the blood glucose goes up, and you are either sick or elderly individual.

Dehydration can be disastrous for people with diabetes, hence essential for diabetic patients to be top of it. Avoid such serious flaws and keep a check on your glucose levels. Assign someone living with as your ‘healthcare expert’ to take actions when you need them the most until you seek real expert’s attention.

Long term complications

Potential long-term complications are the real reason why proper daily attention for the disease is important because if the everyday issues were not dissolved on time, that is likely causing some damage and health issues in the long run.

Diabetes can result in a substantial effect on the bloodstream to your large and tiny blood vessels. Damage to your small blood vessels is called microvascular complications, and injury to your main vessels is called macrovascular complications.

Let’s look at them now.

Microvascular complications include eye, nerve infection, and kidney damage. High blood glucose can severely damage the small blood vessels. It lacks to conduct the blood to be delivered accurately.

Macrovascular complications comprise the destruction of main blood vessels, brain, and heart. It disfigures the effect of large blood vessels that trigger heart attacks, strokes, and other serious drawback to vessel blockage.


  • To diagnose any diabetes complications early, keep a check and balance of your cholesterol levels, be alert to your diabetes checking fluctuations and also trace your blood pressure well.
  • Make sure that the patient or his/her family monitor for signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia.
  • Make sure they have an action plan for hyper and hypo episodes and know-how to promote and preserve energy balance based on sugar level.

Focus 8 – Skin Management

On any person’s skin being challenged, if body damages, it can be witnessed quite easily as diabetes progresses their cause as well.

Diabetes causes skin problems to get bad at times but can also be prevented with just a little attention. Diabetes in the past few years has commonly struck to adults, youngsters including teenagers and children. There is much medication to treat through insulin injections, non-insulin injectable, and oral drugs.

Here are the causes of fragile and vulnerable skin in diabetes.

Cause to poor skin

  • Skin receiving a reduced blood flow
  • Poor nutrition in the blood circulation
  • Damage to vessels
  • White blood cells drop down
  • Sweating
  • Diabetic neuropathy

Symptoms of a fragile and vulnerable skin are below.

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Symptoms of damaged skin

Most diabetic patients encounter complex skin conditions and disease resulting in skin wounds and ulcers.

Tip: Did you know that Hyperbaric Oxygen
is proven to heal slow-healing diabetes wounds and ulcers.

Over time, your skin ‘vulnerability’ can be worse in the following form.

  • Wounds or cut forming on your skin
  • Getting a lot of time to be healed (delayed wound healing)
  • Severe Irritation to the skin
  • Remarkable forming change on the skin

There is a major challenge when you have skin vulnerability and unhealthy skin. That is what you will be prone to skin infections. Commonly, those infections are caused due to bacteria or fungus.

Bacterial infections

Recurrent bacterial infections are some of the serious complications that can be encountered in Type 2 Diabetes disease. These conditions cause a

definite pain,

redness, and


Bacterial infections have a directly proportional relationship with the sugar level that will be elevated in the body will result in more defects in the skin.

Tissue infection that causes the bacterial infection is called carbuncles. The common pathogen causing the bacterial skin infection is called Staph or Staphylococcus.

Tip: Do you know what causes muscle aches when you are fighting with an infection? The answer is just a click away. Remember, muscle pain is different from nerve pain.

Common types of bacterial skin infections are below.

  • Wound infections
  • Infection around the eyes
  • Infections in and around hair follicles
  • Infections around the fingernails and toenails
  • Boils

Fungal infections

The fungus that spreads in your body creates a fungal injection. This brings more difficulties when the patient has diabetes.

Again, the complexity rises due to not controlled glucose.

Common symptoms and types of fungal skin infections are below.

  • A specific skin area that is swollen, red or sore
  • Dry scales
  • Skin irritation (foot, ringworm)
  • Below the chest rashes
  • Under the armpits rashes
  • Skin warts


Although diabetes is considered to be a chronic disease, when you experience acute conditions, you would require additional medical and non-medical support to make things better for you.

Here are some helpful treatments, including medications and remedies for diabetes-related skin challenges.

Medication is a must when the condition of the skin is out of control. The skin needs immediate attention and needs to bring better changes through instant medicines. These medicines may include oral medicines, antibiotics, antifungals, insulin therapy to control your diabetes and other pharmaceuticals better.

Tip: Best to check with your doctor for the best medication for your specific challenges.


There are specific quick fixes or home remedies for diabetes as if you are fed up with taking medicines. Use of aloe Vera, coconut oil, lotion for your skin type.

Again, home remedies are meant to be supplementary to your medicines. Always take advice from your doctor before introducing a home remedy to your system. If you believe that you just have a microorganism infection, inform your doctor timely; thus you will be treated with antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal.

Tip: Here’s what essential oils can do to your diabetes.


  • Make sure the patient knows how to prevent, monitor and treat skin conditions such as swelling and ulceration, maintain healthy skin to avoid excessive dryness and moistness, and when to seek medical advice.

Focus 9 – Healthy Immunity for Infection Control

We have studied how uncontrolled blood sugar affects the parts of the body. But more than this, it also brings complications and challenges to your immune system.

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Unchecked diabetes has cautioned the infection that, if not managed, can cause serious infections in the body.

The most common are urinary tract infections (bacterial infections), leg and foot skin infections (fungal and bacterial skin infections), and pneumonia and Influenza (bacterial or viral infections).

The immune system has white blood cells, which are assigned to fight against the infections. The increase in sugar will cause your blood cells to collapse. The changing patterns of the hormones trigger stress on your immune system.

Tip: Here are the Best Footwear for Diabetes to minimize leg infections.

Severe diabetes that is out of your hands will cause more risk of disease and infections. These risks can be reduced down with the help of some prevention strategies.

  • Take care of your cleanliness and hygiene
  • Control glucose that will help to keep your immune system better
  • The influenza vaccine (flu shot) each year that would prevent you from having flu.
  • Quite some habits like irresponsible drinking, smoking, unhealthy lifestyle, excessive eating, and no physical activities.


  • Make sure patient know the diet for healthy nutrition to boost immunity and prevent infections, how to maintain adequate hydration (drink water), sleep well, manage stress well, exercise and have an active lifestyle, know how to monitor for infections and know when to seek for doctors’ advice.

Focus 10 – Positive Health Beliefs and Psychology

It’s not easy the path you have taken as it is full of difficulties and hurdles, but as long as you are committed to good, you will be happy in the long run.

Life goes on, and it’s a part of life to put each step forward every day. You are chosen and be grateful as this has brought many changes in your life.

The change in lifestyle patterns, habits, eating and caring for small things. This is the power to trust your journey more than any other.

Don’t let the negative thought sunk your day for all.

Keep eating healthy, keep checking the glucose, and stick with your medications.

Managing your health should be in your hands, not others, although a loving, supporting network around you can be beneficial.

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Make sure the patient is confident of takings actions, positive-minded about diabetes and overall health, express feelings, determined to improve the current health status, knowledgeable, proactive and provide feedback on how he/she and his/her support network can help to do better.


In this Nursing Care Plan for Type 2 Diabetes, I raise some important considerations you should consider implementing your daily diabetes monitoring and managing goals.

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Diabetes management should not just have a suitable treatment plan recommended for Type 2 Diabetes patients, but it also needs to have a detailed guide for lifestyle changes and nutrition plans.

The Nursing Plan must incorporate important information about all those processes that can prove useful for diabetes patient care.

The condition of Type 2 Diabetes patients cannot just improve with the help of medications but even through physical exercises or proper diet plan alone, but the combination of all.

The Nursing Plan can then achieve its overall goal in improving the condition of the Type 2 Diabetes patient. Therefore, this Nursing Care Plan’s success is dependent on the outcome it can achieve with making things better for Type 2 Diabetes patients at each patient level. In other words, your actions in following my recommendation will make this Nursing Care Plan for Type 2 Diabetes an Effective Success!

Tip: Here are the Best Glucose Monitoring Devices. A review of HbA1c devices is worth a read too.