Most of us experience swollen joints, cold feet, stiff muscles through our lifetime due to daily work commitments or various stresses that accompany us through life.
Especially people that are involved in athletes, exercises, or spending most of their working time walking or standing knows how difficult that can be, and how it can affect our healthy life.
After a long and arduous day of work or demanding training, when you come home and want to relax and spend some quality time with your family, above mentioned physical pains can prevent you from relaxing and enjoying your family environment. Everyone who ever experienced this can agree that it can be very frustrating and exhausting, making those problems even worse.
Fortunately, now there is a device that can help to solve your leg pains, which is called AccuRelief™ Ultimate Foot Circulator. It is an electrical stimulator, which you can use while travel, work or home.
The device itself helps increase blood circulation to muscles, reduces swollen feet and ankles and relaxing stiff muscles supporting you to go back to normal, and quality activity level and more importantly live a quality healthy and happy life.
Success stories show that this ultimate device can help you with pains that most of us are facing daily, to get back on your feet and enjoy life fully.
In this article, we will be looking a bit more in-depth into the AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator with Remote and what our users really think about the device.
Please keep reading to explore more….
Tip: Here’s the list of the MediChannel’s Best Foot Massagers for Diabetes.
What is AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator?
The AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator with remote is designed to stimulate muscles of the lower extremities to improve muscle performance and to increase blood circulation. It can be used anywhere, at your home, work or even you can take it on your trip.
The Ultimate Foot Circulator is perfect if you are dealing with pain caused by poor blood circulation in your feet. It also increases the production of endorphins. This product helps solves the problems of foot circulation effectively, safely and conveniently.
The AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator with remote is very easy to use, it is highly portable with 15 preset programs, fast-acting pain relief, posses as well as a three-channel electric stimulator.
FDA cleared The AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator for over counter sale, no prescription required.
It uses EMS technology for effective and safe pain relief. This device with 99 levels provides adjustable intensity – to increase or decrease stimulation.
How does the AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator Work?
Trough the foot pads or self-adhesive electrode pads, the AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator sends electronic pulses to the foot or body muscles. As a result, calf and foot muscles contract and produce a pumping action, which increases blood circulation on the local level.
The AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator features;
- four electric pads (they can be used directly on body or trough food pads),
- three-channel electric stimulator (two for body and one for the feet), and
- a remote control with 15 programs to help alleviate swelling and pain.
When to Use the Ultimate Foot Circulator Device?
Ultimate Foot Circulator device targets pain relief and swelling reduction. It is designed to provide electrotherapy to reduce swelling, improves circulation, relieves pain and soothes stiff muscles in body extremities. It is an entirely natural solution.
Saying so, the Foot Circulator is just not only a tool to soothe aching feet and legs. It can also be used in the following situations and conditions:
- Ordinary pain relief,
- Neuropathy pain relief,
- Diabetes (diabetes foot pain),
- Temporary Improving circulation in lower extremities,
- Stiff muscles,
- Foot massage,
- Improve healthy muscle performance,
- Reduce swollen feet and ankles.
Tip: What did you know about the OSITO Foot Massager? Our experience is in the article.
Who Produce the AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator?
Carex Health Brands providing medical products for self and in-home care for over 20 years. Carex Company is an innovator of medical supply devices for people who lost functionality or mobility or recovering from surgery and others that need help with daily living activities.
As a company, Carex continuously strives to provide products that increase mobility, bathroom safety, personal care, and daily living, continually improving their products to meet the needs of medical and home patients.
The AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator is an efficient stimulator that can be used at work, home or travel, manufactured by Carex.
Product information
AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator gives ultimate stiff muscle relief, reduces swollen ankles and feet and overall increases blood circulation. Most of the people get aching and swelling legs and get usually tired after everyday activities or when sitting or standing for a long time.
This device is working by sending electronic pulses to body muscles or foot through electrode pads. The muscle itself contract and release what create pumping action.
When muscle contracts, it squeezes the blood into a deep vein of the leg and pushes that blood to the heart. This prevents blood from blood pooling in the lower extremities.
EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) is an accepted and proven way to treat muscle injuries. It sends electronic pulses to the muscles that require treatment, and that causes a muscle to exercise passively. These light pulses are improving blood circulation, relieving muscle and joint pain, as well as relaxing tense muscles.
We will discuss more EMS a bit later in this article.
What Contains in the Box?
Package contents:
Foot circulator,
Electrode pads (4pcs),
Lead wires (2pcs),
Remote control,
Instruction manual,
AAA batteries (2pcs)

Anyone who wears a peacemaker or patients with epilepsy should not use this device.
Also, people suffering from eventration or hernia should avoid using this device.
In women who are pregnant, stimulation must never be applied around the stomach region.
This product must not be used if you have electronic life support equipment if you other electronic devices are attached to your body, like electrocardiographs, if you have other electronic devices, such as a pacemaker.
It should not be used if you have open wounds, rashes, red or infected skin, cancerous lesions, varicose veins.
This device also should not be used during the following activities:
- sleeping,
- while in shower or bath,
- while driving or operating any kind of machinery.
The AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator should be applied only on healthy, clean, dry skin and if any skin irritation or redness occurs discontinue the use of irritating areas.
It is suitable to use for men and women.
Individuals that should not use this device include:
- Children or infants,
- People that are incapably expressing their intentions or thoughts,
- Pregnant women or menstruating women (over uterus)
This device should not be placed on the neck or any area of the throat since muscle spasms can close your airflow. Also, pads cannot be placed simultaneously on the thorax because the electrical current might be lethal.
Tip: Human Touch Foot and Calf Massager is a device you should not ignore.
What is Electrical Muscle Stimulation?
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is an internationally proven and accepted way of treating muscular injuries in an efficient modus to manage pain in a non-addictive way while increasing muscle strength.
By sending electronic pulses to the muscle that require treatment, it causes a muscle to exercise passively. The device is sending signals to the Central Nervous System, and it creates a muscle to contract.
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Anyone with an active lifestyle, including professional athletes, need to massage muscles after heavy and demanding work out to improve blood circulation to the affected sore area of the body. EMS facilitates this massage.
Many of our body vessels are too small (they are called capillaries), so blood has to travel through them one by one. While exercising muscle tissue starts to swell, and that makes that those small vessels cut off.
How TENS works?
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, also know as TENS, is a non drug method for controlling the pain. To modify pain perception, TENS uses tiny electrical impulses through the nerves and skin.
TENS does not cure physiological problems, but it is useful in eliminating or at least reducing pain.
Gentle electrical pulses are transmitted through nerves and skin trough electrodes, and those pulses block nerve pathways to reach the brain. It increases the production of endorphins and improves blood circulation, components that are critical for the healing process itself.
EMS and TENS-based devices such as AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator therapy have been recommended by chiropractors, doctors, and physical therapists for over 30 years. This method of healing is proven to be effective and it is safe pain relief.

Advantages of AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator
Customer experience, comments and reviews show that Ultimate Foot Circulator has a lot of benefits.
Here are a couple of customer reviews which showcases positive aspects of this product:
‘One of the customers declares that this device helped his wife to rehabilitate her legs, but this device helped him as well for the restless leg at bedtime. He also stated that it is effortless to use.’
‘Another customer said that the device gave him immediate relief from plantar fasciitis. After he tried other devices without success, this was the first thing that helped him immediately. In his opinion, this is well worth the money.’
One of the customers who had problems with painful and swollen feet due to everyday walking at least 10000 to 15000 steps, explained that AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator was the ‘best investment of her life’.
One of the customers who suffered from severe neuropathy, after two months of usage felt a huge improvement. Other family members were using the device as well, her daughter, who is in health care and her husband, who is working as a truck driver is delighted with the effects of this device.
Disadvantages of using Ultimate Foot Circulator
Like any other product, this one has its advantages and disadvantages.
Some people who wanted to use this product were disappointed. After all, they could not use it because they had other diseases, such as heart rhythm problems, epilepsy or varicose veins.
One of the customers, who purchased this item, did not feel any improvement except it shocked his feet.
When comparing this product to other similar products on the market, it shows that another product like Dr.Ho’s foot circulation promoter has similar effects like AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator. Although dr. Ho’s product solves some conditions like insomnia or headache, not covered by AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator, Ultimate foot circulator price is more affordable than other products on the market.
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Tip: Do you want a speedy recovery from leg fatigue? Then try Air Relax Leg Compression Massager Boots.
Pain can be exhausting no matter if it is temporary or chronic, existing over a while. It can be so exhausting that prevents us from enjoying our life. Finally, there is a solution for any individual suffering from any kind of discomfort or pain.
This advanced device, phenomenal, FDA-approved pain relief device, AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator is designed to enable immediate muscle stimulation of the lower extremities, to relieve pain and swelling of feet and ankles, and stiffed muscles assisting the individual to get back to normal activities.
Here is the summary of the device Pros and Cons.
êêêêê – This product is easy and safe to use – The instruction manual that is provided along the package help customers to get on board with this product or service quickly. You just need to turn the device on and place bare feet on the pads. Adjust the intensity to the desired level or chose one of the 15 programs.
êêêêê – Effectiveness – It is FDA approved pain relieving product which targets pain and block pain signals sending electrical pulses what immediately relief stiffness, swelling, and pain. It helps individuals to get back to normal life and their families.
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êêêê – Customer service – According to customers this device is marked as a highly effective product, that can be used in different situations and conditions, from ordinary everyday pain and stiffness due to work where a lot of walking or sitting is required, to some serious conditions as neuropathy in diabetes patients.
êêêê – Affordable – Compared to other similar products on the market, AccuRelief Ultimate Foot Circulator is affordable for the majority of the population.
êêêê – Advantages – It can be used in different conditions like neuropathy pain in diabetes, improving circulation, stiffed muscles, foot massage, ordinary pain relief (after long working day), its improving healthy muscle performance, reduces swollen feet and ankles.
ê – Disadvantages – It cannot be used in children or infants, pregnant or menstruating women (over uterus), it is strictly forbidden to be used in patients with a pacemaker or other electronic devices, epilepsy, as well in patients with vein thrombosis.
This remarkable, powerful device is not a toy and should not be treated that way. If it is used correctly, it has a strong ability to help.
Carex Health Company is continuously working on improving their products to meet individual needs and requirements. TENS /EMS method of healing is proven to be safe and effective, recommended by doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists for over 30 years.
Average customer review on this product: êêêê
Tip: Here’s the list of the MediChannel’s Best Foot Massagers for Diabetes. For general leg health and pain relief, OSITO Foot Massager, Human Touch Foot and Calf Massager and Air Relax Leg Compression Massager Boots a few leading massagers.