Anyone who suffers from an ischemic condition (low blood supply to legs), neuropathy, diabetic foot or pressure ulcers knows how enormous an obstacle that can be for having a healthy life and performing everyday tasks. Fortunately, a solution that has aided medical professionals for over 25 years is now accessible to everyone through the Osborne Rooke® Boot. In this Rooke Boot Heel Float System (HFS) Review, we delve into the effectiveness, features, and experiences associated with this revolutionary product.

This is a solution for patients to recover fast and provide them with the opportunity to live quality life used by doctors and surgeons for many years, and now the concept is available to you and me with the release of a remarkable boot called Osborne Rooke® boot.

This boot is designed to provide complete heel unburdening preventing skin breakdown of lower extremities redistributing a pressure along limb calf. It is easy to use, and one size fits all.

Testimonials and positive experiences extracted from users and their clinicians show that this boot can help many patients who have problems with lower extremities to prevent pressure ulcers or during the postoperative course.

Assistant Professor of Vascular Surgery from Oregon Health and Science University says that ‘despite the continuous care of nursing staff, they had a frightening number of patients with decubitus ulcers on their heels during the preoperative course. Fortunately, with Rooke® boot, this problem has been completely eliminated’.

Professor testified that ‘he cannot remember when was the last time they had patient with decubitus heel ulcer in their practice’.

Another Professor of Surgery, from Mayo Clinic Minnesota, testified that ‘after using Rooke boots, his patients who undergo leg surgery ‘distal revascularization’ did not have any problems during the postoperative course since boot provided maximal vessel dilatation to heal from the surgery fast.’

A clinician from Riddle Memorial Hospital was very impressed that they had 0% incidence of toe ulcers in patients who wore Rooke boots. Wearing boots prevented forming pressure ulcers as well as healing of existing arterial wounds.

And, so on…

While there are many positive testimonials about Rooke boots, we thoughts we should get some insights from our patients directly about the boot to testify if Rooke boots can really help your legs to prevent ulcers, protect wounds and heal wounds faster? In this Rooke Boot Heel Float System (HFS) Review.

Drawing on our own extensive background in vascular health and wound management, coupled with insights from experienced medical professionals, this review offers a well-rounded perspective. With over a decade of clinical practice and continuous engagement with medical advancements, we are well-equipped to provide accurate and informed evaluations.

Let’s start the review then…

How Do Rooke Boots Work?

Rooke® Boots is designed to retain warmth and dilate distal arterial bed for an increase of 5,3 mmHg in TcPO2 for ameliorated perfusion. This is a critical requirement for most vascular patients. The Boot is designed to alleviate pressure on the heel, making it an invaluable tool in preventing skin breakdown and ulcers in individuals with lower extremity conditions. Its innovative design redistributes pressure along the calf, ensuring optimal limb perfusion and skin integrity.

Key FeaturesBenefits
Thinsulate™ LayerRetains warmth, promotes arterial dilation
Polyester Fleece PocketMaximizes heel protection, enhances circulation
High-Density Foam CradleSupports calf securely, ensures comfort
How Rooke Boot Works

The boot itself frees, or better to say ‘offload’, the heel to prevent the formation of ulcers.

This boot does not produce any heat, but its performance is insulation restraining generated body heat.

The boot is made of 140gr Thinsulate™ layer, and 1/8th inch of padding, made of foam.

This is an entirely latex-free product.

The Rooke Vascular boot has a pocket to rest a heel, made of polyester fleece, guaranteeing maximum heel protection. The polyester fleece also increases blood flow and circulation.

Beneath fleece, there is a high-density foam cradle that supports calf securely so that heel can rest comfortably and redistribute the pressure over the entire limb.

Tip: Want some support to get in and get out of the bed. Neeki Wondersheet is likely to be your solution.

This product encircles the whole limb and contributes complete venous emptying but also improving the flow of the blood.

The History of The Rooke Boot

Back in the mid-1980’s when a vascular team from Mayo clinic was applying bulky dressing to lower extremities to stop heat loss and to improve vasodilatation Dr. Thom Rooke came with an idea to apply boot to patients with ‘ischemia’ to increase distal perfusion and increase offloading of patients heels.

The phenomenal boot that helped an innumerable number of patients was called after him, the Rooke Boot.

The idea was supported by Mayo researches in 1987 in the paper showing that patients after open Fem-pop/distal bypass operations and open AAA after wearing bulky dressing had increased TcpO2’s of 5.3 mm/Hg, statistically very significant (p<0.01) outcome.

Today the Rooke boot is manufactured by Osborn Medical Corporation (USA).

Tip: Rooke boot is different from Leg Compression Massager Boots, Air Relax and LX7 Max.

When To Use Rooke Boot?

When there is an imbalance between the metabolic demands of skin tissue as well as the ruined ability of circulation (ischemia), to provide sufficient oxygen and other nutrients severe ulceration develops on extremities, especially the lower ones.

Many of those breakdowns of the skin and ulcerations are inoperable, and doctors were confronted quite often with legs requiring amputation.

Rooke boot encircles the whole leg, and external pressure reaches diastolic blood pressure, pushing arterial blood from the leg to heart, preventing worsening your ischemia condition.

In a study that was conducted in 98 patients with ischemic ulceration, where the endovascular or surgical repair was not possible due to other health conditions such as myocardial infarction
or pneumonia, this circulator boot treatment was prescribed. The objective of the study was to determine can boot therapy be of benefit in ischemic limb ulceration associated with a low blood oxygen level at tcPO2 of, 20 mmHg.

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Tip: Here’s the MediChannel Review of AccuRelief™ Ultimate Foot Circulator.

The study showed that the management of ischemic ulceration, Rooke boots is a useful adjunction where there is no possible skin grafting or revascularization. It also can be the bridge to further intervention due to other treatable co-morbidities, such as diabetes.

Throughout the years’ product was improved and now Rooke boot is used mainly in patients with lower extremities vascular dysfunctions. It is used to offload pressure from heels and to boost skin perfusion.

It can also be used as thrombolytic therapy (when you have the risk of blood clotting, to minimize that risk).

The main conditions that you can consider using the book are:

  • Ischemic Limb Ulceration: When compromised circulation hampers traditional interventions, the Rooke boot steps in, offering a bridge to further treatment avenues.
  • Pressure Sore Prevention: Through its pressure redistribution mechanism, the boot helps mitigate the formation of pressure ulcers.
  • Enhancing Skin Perfusion: Designed to retain warmth and boost circulation, the Rooke boot aids in vasodilation and blood flow improvement.

Rooke boot can be also used in the following:

  • To reduce the chances of pressure sores/ulcer forming,
  • Spinal cord injury,
  • Nonoperative Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI) patients,
  • Vent dependent patients,
  • Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO),
  • Therapeutic hypothermia,
  • Vasopressed ICU patients,
  • Ischemic limb ulceration due to diabetes or other conditions,
  • Increases vasodilation and improving perfusion,
  • Ankle contracture prevention.

Tip: This list of Pressure Relieving Heel Protectors does help with most of the above health conditions too.

Rooke Boot – Product Information

A combination of three layers in this unique boot retains body heat, allows unrestricted circulation and protect the leg.

Foam support is placed in the dorsal region of the boot acting as filler between the surface and natural contour of the limb, preventing any pressure.

Synthetic lamb wool in the inner layer, Thinsulate™ in middle and low friction velour in the exterior layer provides optimal warmth. Altogether, the boot provides optimal protection and insulation to the lower extremities.

One piece of synthetic foam maintains skin integrity.

Rooke boot is easy to adjust to individual requirements since ‘one size fits all’ and re-designed boot includes protection wings and anti-rotation straps to prevent foot drop.

The boot is washable so one boot can be used multiple times, and in some cases on numerous patients.

It also includes extender straps for large limbs.

Nonslippery surface decreases the possibility that patients may slip, especially it is important for patients who are unsteady on their feet, for those who do not ambulate frequently or just began to ambulate.

This product meets the NPUAP (National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel) guidelines.

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Tip: Here’s our Guide to Mobility, Daily Living and Walking Aid Options for Elderly and Disabled.

Scientific Research Related To Rooke Vascular Boots

Scientific studies provide empirical backing to the Rooke® Boot’s capabilities:

  • Enhanced Blood Perfusion: Studies reveal increased TcpO2 levels and enhanced distal perfusion when wearing the Rooke boot.
  • Wound Healing Acceleration: Fluorescence angiography highlights improved local perfusion and blood flow in wound areas with Rooke boot usage.

Back in 2015 six patients with diabetes and nonhealing neuropathic ulcers were included in a pilot project that pointed that wearing Rooke vascular boots on limbs where the problem was significant gives 5.3 ml/Hg increase in Tcp02’s. The temperature that was measured on the plantar and dorsum surface of the foot increased from 0.5C to 3.6C, creating vasodilatory cascade for enhanced distal blood perfusion.

A study conducted on another 6 people with severe wounds in different locations observed, after wearing Rooke boot for 60 minutes daily and an additional day and weeks after daily usage. In all six patients, fluorescence angiography showed increased warmth and local perfusion, as well as increased blood flow in the wound area.

Tip: Did you know that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is an effective treatment option for slow-healing Diabetes Wounds and Ulcers?

Why is Rooke Boot The One to Consider?

This boot is excellent for patients with neuropathy, ischemia, diabetes and other similar conditions. It can also be used effectively to prevent pressure sores and heal ulcers fast.

The boot is designed to accommodate insulation as well as protection of patients’ lower extremities and can be used at home care, hospitals, and nursing homes settings.

Many recent testimonials and researches were showing excellent results in healing pressure ulcers and the prevention of pressure sores when it was used in patients.

The Rooke boot is designed to supply complete redistribution of pressure along the calf and to secure total heel offloading preventing skin breakdown on legs.

Since it is designed to naturally warm extremities, it leads to incensement of skin perfusion.

This product increases vasodilatation and provides extra warmth and overall protection to the lower limb.

Patients using Rooke boot recover more rapidly, enabling them to go home earlier from the hospital. It reduces pressure and decreases the possibility of sores firming.

Tip: Need some support to get into the bath or shower? If so, try a Carousel Sliding Transfer Bench with Swivel Seat.

Why People Love Rooke Boots?

Our patient reviews show that Rooke vascular boots have many benefits.

Rooke Boot AdvantagesUser Insights and Benefits
Comprehensive Pressure RedistributionOffloads heels, prevents skin breakdown
Versatile ApplicabilityBeneficial for various vascular conditions
Enhanced Blood Perfusion and Wound HealingPromotes faster healing and recovery
Personalized Comfort with One-Size FitAccommodates diverse foot and leg sizes
Washable and DurableEnsures hygiene and reusability
The Advantages of Rooke Boots

One of the nurses, spending 12-14 hours on her feet, had problems in the mornings with painful feet. She explained that the product was designed to prevent patients from amputation, but also to solve circulation issues. After using this product every night, she does not have circulation issues anymore sore feet in the morning.

Tip: Prefer a painless good night sleep? Try a Comfilife Orthopedic Knee Pillow.

YouTube video

One of the customers calls Rooke vascular boot, ‘wonder boot’ since this boot did wonder for her husband after vascular surgery. She said that it does exactly what it says.

Assistant Professor of Surgery from Southern Illinois School of Medicine declared that he firmly believes that Rooke vascular boots decrease the incidence of decubitus ulcers on patients heels that suffer from vascular diseases range of 90-95%. He said that his patients are satisfied with the product since they can see visible improvement of their condition.

Most of the customers are happy with the fact that ‘one size fits all’ aspect and that boot is durable and machine washable, which is a perfect thing for preventing different kinds of infection and skin problems.

Disadvantages and Limitations of Rooke Boots

There are not many multipurpose products on the market like Rooke vascular boot, so this product has an essential place in the leg neuropathy or ischemic ulcer treatment.

Rooke boot vs Unna boot

Rooke BootUnna Boot
Multipurpose and Easy to UseInelastic Gauze Dressing
Pressure RedistributionFocuses on Venous Ulcer Management
Promotes Vasodilation and HealingLimited Applications
A Holistic View: Rooke Boot vs. Unna Boot

Saying so, one of the products that are frequently used beside Rooke vascular boot is Unna boot, which is dressing of inelastic gauze impregnated with zinc, glycerin, or calamine that becomes rigid when it dries. It is frequently used in ulcers managing venous leg ulcers and lymphedema.

Still, Rooke boots take precedence over Unna boots because they are easier to put and take off and plus Rooke vascular boot is multipurpose product, comparing to mentioned Unna boot.

User reviews and feedback

Considering the experiences of users, it has not been observed that Rooke boot has any drawbacks when using it.

Beside benefits that this boot is providing like no pressure points, it is insulated so that it enhances and maintain lower limb warmth, able to accommodate a transmetatarsal amputation to size 16 foot, it has anti-rotation foam wedge and removable drop prevention wings, like every other product it has some disadvantages. It cannot be used in patients with other co-morbidities such as pneumonia, or myocardial infarction, or osteomyelitis.

Real-life experiences underscore the Rooke® Boot’s impact:

  • A nurse finds relief from painful feet after adopting the boot, attributing its design to her improved comfort.
  • A Professor of Surgery praises the boot’s role in reducing decubitus ulcers by up to 95%.
  • Customers appreciate the convenience of a one-size-fits-all solution and machine washable design.

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This multipurpose product, famous Rooke Vascular boot, is designed to be used in many medical conditions – neuropathy, therapeutic hypothermia, ankle contracture prevention, spinal cord injury, healing and prevention of ischemic ulcers and other circulation problems are just a some to mention.

Here is the summary of Rooke Boot Pros and Cons.

***** – Easy and safe to use – Since is very light, only 140gr made of Thinsulate layer, a combination of three layers provides complete comfort preventing any pressure to the limb and provides optimal warmth. It is completely latex-free, and it is non slippery and safe for use for patients who do not ambulate.

*****– One size fits all – The fact that costumers like the most are that one size and one boot fits all, each leg and every foot size. It is easy to adjust to each individual requirement.

*****– Product maintenance – Another important thing is that the boot is machine washable, so it prevents spreading any kind of infection. This also allows using one device on different patients.

****- Customer service – Patients and physicians who have used this product are pleased with the effect of Rooke Vascular boot.

One of the most important things regarding this product that usage of Rooke Vascular boot prevented limb amputation in patients with diabetes, and open ulcer wounds.

A great result in using Rooke Vascular boot is also in patients where surgery is not possible to perform due to other co-morbidities.

Testimonials of clinicians that have been using this product on their patients declare that the condition of their patients with open ulcers improved after using Rooke Vascular boot. Yet, it cannot be used in conditions when patients already have pneumonia, myocardial infarction or osteomyelitis.

****– Effectiveness
– Usage of Rooke Vascular boots effectively prevents the formation of wounds, arterial ulcers, and sores on lower extremities.

**** – Product benefits – Enhance and maintain lower leg warmth, removable foot drop
prevention wings, no pressure points, posses anti-rotation foam wedge when needed, able to accommodate trans-metatarsal amputation to size 16 foot.

***- Cons
– Rooke Vascular boot cannot be used if patient beside vascular dysfunction has some other co-morbidities like osteomyelitis, myocardial infarction or pneumonia.

Rooke Vascular boot has been carefully designed to ensure high patient compliance while exceeding the expectations and needs of medical clinicians.

Overall rating – ****

Osborne Medical team continuously works with a team of medical experts to ensure Rooke Vascular boot not only meeting but overpower need of patients with vascular conditions.

Tip: This list of Pressure Relieving Heel Protectors does help with most of the above diabetes and blood vessels-related health conditions too.