In this Migraine Buddy App review, we will be exploring everything you need to know before considering Migraine Buddy to support your fight with migraine episodes. They are many good things about the App, but some concerns too. So, my role is here to guide you through what you need to look at before considering Migraine Buddy or Migraine Buddy Plus, to make sure it is for you.
Before reviewing the Migraine Buddy App, let’s cover some of the background about migraine, so we understand how the Apps work better.
What is Migraine?
Migraine is a recurrent throbbing headache varying in intensity from moderate to severe affecting one side of the head, and usually accompanied by increased sensitivity to light, noise, nausea or vomiting. Before the headache starts, there may be physical and sensory symptoms known as the aura.
Migraine attacks are different from headaches as it usually occurs in stages. An attack can last for hours to days, with the pain so severe that it interferes with your daily activities, including work or study making it almost impossible to do anything at all, no matter how important.
Migraine attacks are usually caused by known triggers
such as bright or fluorescent lights, stress, starvation, lack of sleep, anxiety, even food such as red wine, chocolate and cheese. Even processed food can trigger a migraine.
What if I told you that there is an App that can help to keep track of your Migraine? An App to keep track of the known triggers of your Migraine and how to avoid them. To keep track of your medications and get reminders for it.
That is what the Migraine Buddy App all about in a nutshell. However, that is not that simple.
What is Migraine Buddy App?
Migraine Buddy is an application available for download on both Android and Apple iOS devices. It is primarily designed to help migraine sufferers track their migraine episodes.
It can also serve as a migraine diary by recording events leading up to a migraine attack. It helps to keep track of your habits and what you can do to reduce the frequency at which you get migraine attacks.
The App provides proper documentation on the triggers, duration, intensity of pain of your migraine and method of relief used, which can be used by your doctor to further help you.
Now, let’s look at the strengths and limitations of the Migraine Buddy.

Tip: Follow the link to learn about how Migraine Relief Glass and Specs work.
- It helps to track your Migraine, e.g. duration, the intensity of pain with a scale of 1-10 in increasing order, and helps you to isolate it from which part of the head the migraine headache started from.
- The App offers a first-timer sample run to get you familiar with how the App works.
- Keeps track of medications used (prescribed or over-the-counter drugs).
- The App also helps to track not only medications but also non- medical methods of relief done (e.g. dark rooms, cold shower, water).
- The App keeps track of the symptoms noticed in all 4 stages of a migraine: the prodrome, aura, pain phase and the postdrome (recovery) phase.
- Keeps track of the activities that were hindered by your migraine.
- It also helps to know the environment you were when your migraine started.
- Keeps track of possible triggers for your migraine, e.g. change in temperature, bright or fluorescent lights, loud noises, menstruation, cheese, chocolates, stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, starvation.
- Suggests possible relief actions that can be done to relieve your migraine.
- It syncs easily between devices and keeps tracks of all your information.
- It has a friendly user interface.
- It doesn’t take up much phone memory space.
- Suited to use for both men and women.
- Creates a community as it helps you to keep track of friends having a migraine attack in order to offer support and help, if needed.
- The App sends you a reminder to record your migraine activities.
- It keeps a detailed report that can be used by your doctor to help access and generate the best medical prescription to help you.
As noted above, it’s all not goods’, there are some limitations of this App too.
- There is no aspect of much improvement for the App.
- The app only shows for migraine headaches started in the head, and does not include pain started in other parts of the body. For example, numbness or hormonal migraine triggered by menstruations and abdominal cramps.
- It does not offer dosage input for all drugs taken as this is very important in tracking the medications of the sufferer.
- The App continuously runs in the background.
Some of those limitations have been overcome in the premium app called Migraine Buddy Plus.
Let’s learn more about that App now.
What is Migraine Buddy Plus App?
Having the Migraine Buddy App is sure a great way to keep track of your migraine, but can it be made better? If so, how?.
The migraine buddy app has an advanced app called the Migraine Buddy Plus App as a solution.
With this app, you can do a lot more than just track and record your migraines. You can also predict when your migraine started and the duration of your migraine headaches. That’s helpful right?!
This video explains How and Why to Record migraines in Migraine Buddy Plus App.

Tip: Did you know Cefaly Anti-migraine Device could help you relieve migraine too?
Let’s look at the strengths and weaknesses of the Migraine Buddy Plus App now.
Migraine buddy plus App offers varieties of other features including the below.
- It helps to track the patterns in the different triggers that can cause your migraine.
- Migraine Buddy Plus doubles as a menstruation tracker for women, especially those whose known trigger is hormonal imbalance such as menstruation and abdominal cramps. The App helps you to recognize at what time of your cycle triggers your migraine attack.
- For iOS devices, you have the added advantage of being able to track the estimated time for a migraine attack to begin and end.
- For migraine sufferers triggered by a change in barometric pressure, you can track the change in pressure and record it, helping your doctor to help you.
- A personalized weather report available and suited to your needs for people whose migraine is triggered by a change in weather conditions. E.g. temperature and humidity.
- Providing a supportive community of Migraineurs, you can easily identify and avoid the possible triggers associated with your migraine.
This App also offers video tutorials, articles, tips and diet on how to take control of your migraine in order to live a healthy life.
- The app is only available in 9 languages – English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese and Korean.
- To access the advanced features of Migraine Buddy Plus, you have to have a subscription plan.
Migraine Buddy vs. Migraine Buddy Plus – What is the Difference?
The major difference is that Migraine Buddy Plus is Migraine Buddy and more. With an annual subscription plan, it (the Plus) offers a premium package with advanced features to further help you in your migraine journey. At the same time, also help you in creating and community with other Migraineurs. With these advanced features, you can anticipate a better monitored and controlled migraine even before it starts.
Both the Migraine Buddy and Migraine Buddy Plus have a 5-star review and glowing recommendations among users.
Keeping track of migraines and known triggers can be really tiring, but with the Migraine Buddy App that is a different story. Its friendly user interface helps you in keeping the day to day track of your migraines.
With the premium Migraine Buddy Plus App, you can also keep track of known triggers in order to avoid them.
You are not alone as you have a supportive community of Migraineurs all sharing their personal experiences. Your data can be exported to your doctor (if you allow doing so) to help provide you with migraine relieving drugs if necessary.
The premium App offers video tutorials, tips and diets on how to live a healthy migraine lifestyle.