In this article, we will be exploring the role of Magnesium for panic attacks. Would magnesium help with panic attacks or would it make it worse? And, many more tips and tricks you to consider when taking Magnesium for panic attacks.
If you have panic attacks, you know the struggle that they can create in your life. You know how tough they can be to manage, and you know how frustrating it can be to deal with. Well, did you know that one nutrient your body needs anyway is good for panic attacks, and can cause a decrease in them, as well as relaxation and take away most peoples daily anxiety? And a shortage of it in your body can actually be the reason someone is experiencing panic attacks? Well, it’s true. And the nutrient is the mineral that is called magnesium.
Magnesium is a very important nutrient that is needed for the body to function properly. Still, it’s also known for reducing anxiety, and reducing the likely hood and frequency of panic attacks. It is also a relaxant, giving relief to many people with anxiety or panic attacks.
Want to find out more and get more information on this topic? Well, that’s what we’ll be discussing in this article.
So, let’s get started by defining panic attacks.
What are Panic Attacks?
A panic attack is a sudden episode of extreme fear, or anxiety. They’re usually accompanied by physical symptoms as well as the emotional ones.
These symptoms can include;
- sweating,
- trembling or shaking,
- a racing heart,
- feeling like you’re stuck, doomed, or in danger,
- shortness of breath or feeling like you can’t breathe,
- chills, etc.
There are more symptoms, but those are the most common. And, not to forget panic attack symptoms in men are different from a woman.
However, depending on the person, symptoms vary, and you really never know how it’s going to play out if it’s your first time experiencing a panic attack.
Now, panic attacks, depending on the person, can range from mild and controllable, to severe and uncontrollable. Just know, if you ever experience one, even though it feels like you’re dying, you’re not.
You will get through it, and it may take some time (or it may at least feel like forever), but you will eventually come out of it, and everything will return to normal. It always does.
Just remember to breathe, and you will be able to get through it as time passes. Now you may be asking yourself, what causes panic attacks?
Well, let’s discuss that now.
Causes of Panic Attacks
Almost anything can be what is called a “trigger” for a panic attack, which is the thing that also causes it. Or, in other words, its set’s it into motion. Everyone, however, is a bit different when it comes to this. However, although the specific cause may be different, the overall issue may be the same.
A lot of people get triggered into a panic attack based on something happening that reminds them of something in their past. Like, being reminded by something or someone of a traumatic event from the past.
Other people get triggered by an event that is taking place at the moment that maybe adds a bit of extra stress, and is too much for them to take. They may get overwhelmed, and that may lead them into a panic attack.
Finally, some people don’t even have triggers. They just come on randomly. This doesn’t usually happen, though if you don’t have a panic disorder.
People with the actual disorder can have triggers, but not all do. Some people get panic attacks randomly, or sometimes even get them with something they do every day, but that day might just be a bad one for them. In other words, the small things they do every day can cause one.
A lot of people with panic attacks and panic disorders actually have a family history of panic attacks and panic disorders. So, if you have a family history of these things, keep an eye for the symptoms in yourself.

Knowing a lot about the panic attack and anxiety attack, now let’s turn on to magnesium.
What is Magnesium?
Magnesium is a mineral our bodies need to function properly. It’s a nutrient that without, our bodies don’t work the way they should.
It’s an electrolyte as well as the fourth most abundant mineral in the body.
The human body produces so much magnesium for your body to feed off of. But for some, it’s not enough.
Everyone needs roughly the same amount of magnesium, at least everybody in the same age group does, as age affects how much you need in your body for everything to function normally. However, some people’s bodys don’t produce as much, which obviously causes their magnesium levels to drop as they don’t have enough in their body.
Low magnesium can affect many different parts of your body as well as many different functions, and it can cause quite a few issues, symptoms, and/or disturbances in the body. So, it’s a very important nutrient to have.
For people who have low magnesium, they often have to take magnesium supplements. But when you go and shop for these supplements, people find that there are many different types of magnesium out there. This leads to them not knowing which one to buy.
Well, let’s now discuss the different types of magnesium, and what they’re specifically for and what each one does for the body.
Tip: Here are the Best Supplements for panic attacks, stress and anxiety.
What are the Types of Magnesium?
There are a quite a few types of magnesium, and each one does something different.
Today, we’ll be talking about the types of magnesium that are out there, and what they’re good for.
The types of magnesium you can get include the following.
Magnesium glycinate
This type of magnesium is known and often used to reduce muscle pains.
Magnesium oxide
Usually used for the treatment of migraines and constipation.
Magnesium chloride
This is a type of magnesium that the body can absorb fast and easy.
Magnesium citrate
This one is both used to treat constipation and can be absorbed by the body fast and easily.
Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt)
This one typically isn’t easily absorbed by the body, but it can possibly be absorbed through the skin.
Tip: Epsom salt is different from Chinen salt.
Magnesium lactate
This type of magnesium particles is often used as a food additive.
Let’s dig on to the health benefits of them now.
Health Benefits of Magnesium
Magnesium is one nutrient that is really hard to live without. Not impossible, as it won’t kill you. However, if you don’t have enough magnesium, in some cases, it can disrupt your body and the way your body works so much that it can disable you.
So, although not impossible, it is dangerous to live without magnesium in your body, or with low magnesium levels. Because it’s a nutrient that is so important for proper body function, it has many benefits to your health.
A few included in these benefits are the following.
- It boosts energy which can boost exercise performance
- It can lower blood pressure
- It has anti-inflammatory benefits
- It can fight depression, as well as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, and panic attacks.
What are the Signs of Low Magnesium
This video explains it all well here.

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Like I said, magnesium can help fight anxiety as well as panic attacks. But can magnesium cause panic attacks?
Let’s discuss that now.
Can Magnesium Cause Panic Attacks?
Short answer: No. Not if you’re talking about taking magnesium.
Magnesium has ingredients that work inside the body to relax you. So, if you take magnesium, it’s actually likely to reduce panic attacks, as well as other types of anxiety, and depression.
Taking magnesium and/or having good magnesium levels and having enough magnesium in your body cannot cause panic attacks. It’s actually the opposite.
Having low magnesium is what can cause anxiety and panic attacks.
Magnesium and anxiety and/or panic attacks are often all used in the same sentence. If you’ve ever wondered what the ties are to anxiety and panic attacks and magnesium, that’s what it is. Low magnesium in your body can cause some pretty bad symptoms, including anxiety and panic attacks.
Let’s discuss the signs and symptoms of low magnesium levels now.
What are the Signs of Low Magnesium?
Like I previously stated, magnesium is a nutrient that your body needs to function properly. That means if you have low magnesium levels, or even a deficiency, it can give you a lot of symptoms, some even being debilitating.
The symptoms vary, depending on who you are and what your body is like, but often these symptoms include the following.
- Numbness and/or tingling,
- muscle twitches and/or cramps,
- heart racing, pounding, or an irregular heartbeat,
- fatigue,
- depression, and as we’ve discussed as it’s the topic of this article,
- anxiety and
- panic attacks.
These are the typical symptoms, but some people also experience high blood pressure, and in some severe cases, seizures. There are many other signs/symptoms of low magnesium or a magnesium deficiency, but there are the ones that either are most common, or that you should be aware of just in case it happens.
Now, we know when you take magnesium and/or have good magnesium levels, it does not cause anxiety or panic attacks. But, what can cause anxiety or panic attacks is having low magnesium. When you don’t have enough magnesium in your body, that’s what can cause panic attacks. So, let’s discuss that now.

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Can Low Magnesium Cause Anxiety or Panic Attacks?
Yes. It can. The less magnesium in your body, the more likely you are to experience some type of anxiety, and possibly even panic attacks.
If you have low magnesium, or a magnesium deficiency, chances are you suffer from some form of anxiety.
Magnesium, whether it’s the magnesium your body makes naturally or the magnesium you take, has a calming agent in it. Without it, people experience a lot more anxiety and more panic attacks. Sometimes people who have never had anxiety or panic attacks before get them because of their low magnesium levels.
So, if you think you might have low magnesium levels, ask your doctor about getting that tested, and see if you should start taking magnesium. If you decide to take magnesium, also ask them which kind you should take, as it varies for every person.
How Magnesium Alleviate Anxiety and Panic Attacks?
There are a few ways’ magnesium alleviate anxiety and panic attacks.
First of all, one of the ingredients is basically a calming agent, so when you take it, it relaxes you a bit.
It’s a nervous system relaxant, so it can really help with things such as fear, irritability, or restlessness, along with some straight-up anxiety symptoms, even the more severe ones, such as
- shaking or trembling,
- shortness of breath or feeling like you can’t breathe,
- sweating due to fear, etc.
It’s basically a natural muscle relaxer, which can, obviously, help with anxiety and panic attacks.
Most people report seeing a difference, and feeling more relaxed after they start taking magnesium, especially if they had low magnesium levels to begin with.
So, if you believe magnesium would help with your anxiety, pick some up at your local health food store, or all-natural product shop, if your doctor recommends that.
What Type of Magnesium is Best for Panic Attacks?
There are actually two main types of magnesium that people often use specifically for anxiety and panic attacks. For their issues, many people either use magnesium lactate or magnesium oxide.
Overall, there is no magnesium that is specifically for anxiety or panic attacks. However, these two seem to be the most effective, proves in studies done in 2017.
Although there is not a kind of magnesium specific for people with anxiety or people who have panic attacks, these two kinds of magnesium have shown great results in people with these issues. So, that’s what most people recommend trying if you’re looking to use magnesium to try to lower your anxiety or stop, or at least limit, your panic attacks.
Now that we know which kinds of magnesium work best for anxiety and panic attacks, let’s talk about how much you should take.
How Much Magnesium Should I Take?
The answer to this depends on your age, and whether you have a deficiency or not. Overall, it really depends on your age. That’s what should be taken into account when deciding how much to take.
Each age group should be taking a different amount of magnesium.
For adults, it is suggested by researches to take between 310 and 420 mg. You can take less if you feel you shouldn’t be taking that much, however, do not take more unless instructed to do so by a doctor.
Too much of anything can damage somebody in any way, and that includes magnesium. The truth is, when it comes to anything you take, whether it’s medication, supplements, vitamins, even the more natural, nutritious thing, it is still possible to overdose.
I’m sure that it something you all would like to avoid, so follow the instructions and the rules, and take the suggested amount or less. No more.

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The Best Food Sources of Magnesium
There are many foods that have magnesium in them. Here are a few specific choices though, if you’re not sure what you can pick up that has magnesium in it.
- Almonds, Cashews, and other types of nuts
- Pumpkin seeds, and most other types of seeds
- Black beans, and most other types of beans
- Dark Chocolate
- Spinach
- Yogurt
- Tofu
- & more.
So those are a few food items that contain magnesium. Any of these can be picked up at your local grocery store, so keep that in mind next time you go grocery shopping, if you’re looking to get food with magnesium in it. It is an easy way to get enough magnesium, after all.
But, remember, a food item may not give you as much magnesium as taking the supplement, but if you’re hungry and need something to eat, and it’s a food you already enjoy, then it’s perfect.
In conclusion, magnesium is something you need to live a healthy life. It’s something you need to have in your body, because without it, your body won’t function properly, and it’s possible you could get very sick too.
Magnesium is a nutrient that if you don’t have enough in your body, you can get many symptoms that can really debilitate you, which I’m sure you would all like to avoid. It can cause pain and weakness, it can cause seizures, and it can even cause massive anxiety, as well as panic attacks.
So, if you feel like your magnesium levels might be low, consult with your doctor, find out, and take the best course of action.
Thank you for reading. Let me know if you have any questions!!