High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is referred to as a complex condition. It is also the most common cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels related conditions) risk factor. Hypertension contributes to an extensive number of deaths (mortality) and other diseases (morbidity).
Approximately 90% of the hypertension cases are classified as essential hypertension. The precise cause under such a situation is not known. The minority, where the high blood pressure caused by another medical condition (comorbidity) is known as Secondary Hypertension.
Hypertension has an association with inflammation. Though, it is not well understood whether inflammation takes place because of hypertension.
Generally speaking, inflammation takes place when your body’s immune made a response to any particular injury or illness.
When there is any kind of infection or wound, inflammation is quite useful in helping you fight off germs. Inflammation even can facilitate the healing of a wound under healthy body environments.
The intention of this guide is to explore the relationship between inflammation and high blood pressure. Here we will identify the link between the two, symptoms of inflammation in people with high blood pressure and some practical tips for you to monitor and manage inflammation.
Does Inflammation Cause High Blood Pressure? Yes, we will find that out here too.
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Role of Inflammation in High Blood Pressure
The buildup of the cholesterol and other kinds of substances that occur in your arteries (also identified as atherosclerosis and plaques) can create an inflammatory response too. Inflammation is indeed useful for short-term conditions. However, that’s not the case if the inflammation is recurrent or long-term (chronic).
Sustained low levels of inflammation can irritate your blood vessels. Inflammation can even promote plaques and trigger blood clots. It can surely become the primary cause of strokes and heart attacks too.
When an artery to the heart (i.e. coronary artery) gets blocked by the blood clot, the person then suffers a heart attack.
If the blocking of an artery to the brain gets blocked by the blood clot, the result is then a stroke.
However, the positive development is that any person can control the inflammation with the help by avoiding factors that cause an activation of the inflammatory response of the body. The same lifestyle options can cause a decrease in bad cholesterol, blood pressure can even get low, and the reduction in high blood sugar can also take place.

Remember, some chronic inflammations do not even produce symptoms. The blood test has immense importance in this regard. Mostly, people with such circumstances are not also screened regularly for inflammation.
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The Link Between High Blood Pressure and Inflammation
The evidence reviewed with the help of past research studies has suggested that inflammation can even lead to hypertension development.
Both the endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress also have an involvement in the inflammatory cascade.
Both ageing and aldosterone even have a relationship in both hypertension and inflammation.
Therefore, when there would not be serious side effects, anti-inflammatory drugs could play a vital role in the treatment of hypertension in the future. Secondly, adopting healthy lifestyle choices is even indeed the best technique in lowering the risk factor.
Though, doctors can also advise a statin drug for those people who have a high risk of suffering from heart disease. The doctor can even determine the risk level and even the next steps that are most valuable for you.
It is still not clear whether inflammation is a significant effect resulting from hypertension. Though, there is some evidence related to the studies carried out on humans and animals that inflammations can lead to the development of hyperinflation.
Both the endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress have an association with inflammation and can have a contribution to hypertension. It can inevitably exacerbate the inflammatory response.
There are some other factors which even have a contribution towards hypertension such as ageing, aldosterone and
sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation. They have an association with inflammation.
Future studies should prove essential for focusing on whether anti-inflammatory drugs have benefits for reversing hypertension depending on the stage of hypertension. Thus, anti-inflammatory drugs could be used in treating hypertension in the future. They can even prove valuable for treating heart-related diseases.
Can Having High Blood Pressure Make You Prone To Inflammation?
According to the data from a women’s health study, it had indicated about the women who had the most inflammation in their blood. They experienced a seven-fold increased risk of stroke or heart attack. Research has continued in this area afterwards.
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For instance, the researchers representing Harvard Medical School showed that inflammation could even trigger high blood pressure. Lead researcher, Dr. Howard Sesso and his colleague conducted a study on the 21,000 women health professionals who were either 45 years or older.
All these women participants larger Women’s Health study did not have high blood pressure and any other kind of cardiovascular disease.
Dr Sesso, along with colleagues, recorded a vital baseline blood level of C-reactive protein
(CRP). It is an inflammation marker in the body which indicate an infection or inflammation.
Tip: Do you experience mouth or vaginal yeast, fungal infections (thrush)? In that case, the CRP level jumps too. Follow the link to learn more about remedies for yeast infections.
During the study, it was noted that there were about ¼ of the women who had developed hypertension. It became necessary for the Researchers to correlate the initial blood level associated with C-reactive protein with their later risk of suffering from high blood pressure.
The researchers had noted that the C-reactive protein levels did not just have a significant but independent association with the future development of hypertension. Women who were a part of the study with the highest standards at baseline had 50% more chance in suffering from high blood pressure in comparison with those who had the lowest levels. It indicated significant evidence that inflammation is a vital mechanism because of which hypertension develops.
Based on another study, Scott Grundy, MD, professor at the University of Texas, stated that the metabolic factors could even explain the connection for inflammation.
Cholesterol and diabetes can also elicit an inflammatory response. A metabolic syndrome even occurs, which can cause high inflammation amongst people along with hypertension.
Dr Grundy said that smoking could even trigger high blood pressure and inflammatory changes.
Other researchers have made a continuous effort for exploring the exciting connection between hypertension and inflammation.
The identification of people suffering from hypertension has the highest priority. It is the main reason because of which blood tests for C-reactive protein are available, and the evidence associated with cardiovascular risk is assessed.
All people who are at risk of experiencing high blood pressure need to consult their doctor. It would prove essential for them in monitoring the risk and reducing the chance of suffering from this condition.
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What Are The Classic Signs of Inflammation?
One of the main goals for any healthcare provider is to assist people for the prevention and reverse of chronic disease. It is the reason because of which it becomes necessary in paying a lot of attention to the chronic inflammation.
The identification of the classic signs of inflammation is indeed essential for the patients.
Here are the five common classic signs and indications that a person is suffering from inflammation.
1- Pain in the Body
An increased level of systemic inflammation can cause significant body pain, such as joint pain and muscle aches. During the elevation of the inflammatory cytokines in the body, they can attack both the joint and muscle issue.
It can result in redness, pain and swelling.

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2- Rashes in the Skin
The condition, namely psoriasis and eczema, are known as the inflammatory skin conditions that lead to flaky, rough and red skin.
Both psoriasis and eczema have a link with the hypersensitivity of the immune system. As a result, individuals suffering from these conditions have a higher number of inflammatory mast cells. When they are activated, they trigger the surfacing of the skin rashes.
3- Excessive Production of the Mucus
When any person constantly experiences a need for clearing the throat or blowing their nose, it means that they are inflamed.
During this situation, the mucous membranes make the production of thick phlegm. It is an attempt for the protection of the epithelial cells in the lining of the respiratory system.
As a result, the person then coughs, sneezes and the occurrence of the runny nose takes place.
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4- Feeling Low Energy
The constant fatigue feeling occurs in any person despite the fact they get adequate sleep is another sign of chronic inflammation.
You feel as if you are sick, even though your immune system would remain healthy and active. It will also continue to work overtime for regulating the overall response.
Chronic inflammation will also increase the cellular energy requirement. It is necessary for the immune cells’ regeneration and would deplete the fuel of your body, making you unable to feel completely energized.
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5- Poor Digestion
The inflammation of the person will make him suffer from the common digestive issues such as constipation, abdominal pain and bloating.
Chronic inflammation can even have a contribution towards the leaky gut syndrome or intestinal permeability.
It can make many toxins and bacteria to affect the digestive system of any person. As a result, a person can suffer from irregular bowel movements and abdominal distention.
The above are all the classic signs of inflammation. However, secondly, the medical practitioner needs to give the highest value to come out of any solution for each of the above symptoms and hypertensive symptoms in identifying causes and treating the inflammation.
Risks of Having an Inflammation To People with High Blood Pressure
It is a fact that inflammation has an association with elevated levels of blood pressure (BP) amongst the general population.
In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the inflammation levels are ten-fold higher in comparison with the general population. However, in this case, whether the relationship between blood pressure and inflammation would remain the same requires a future study. But, the assessment of the association between BP and inflammation has high significance for RA.
The risk related to cardiovascular (CV) is indeed 1.5 to 2.0 times higher in comparison with individuals from the general population. This excess risk is only because of the inflammation.
People suffering from high blood pressure would not just have symptoms associated with inflammation but even any heart-related disease. The cholesterol levels are going to be high as well for these people.
On the contrary, clinical experts who assess the high blood pressure of the patients even identify the symptoms for inflammation. Their assessment proves true that BP patients will also complain of inflammation problems.
Therefore, it is necessary for the doctors in treating not just high blood pressure of the patients but even the inflammatory issues (e.g. rheumatism) as well.

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Common Inflammations To Watch For In People With High Blood Pressure?
Some of the common inflammations that are necessary to watch in for people suffering from high blood pressure, and they are most likely chronic inflammations.
Chronic inflammation is a persistent inflammation as it creates not just a steady but at a low level in an entire body. These inflammations produce a small rise in the markers of the immune system, which is not just found in the tissue but the blood as well. This kind of inflammation requires significant monitoring amongst high blood pressure patients.
Researchers are also working for understanding the implications of chronic inflammation on the body. They have a vital role in creating a lot of problems for patients with hypertension.
Chronic inflammation even can lead to stroke and heart disease. Therefore, the prevention of these common inflammations is necessary because their inclusion in blood vessels could promote the buildup of plaque over time too.
People need to be careful of one thing that a low-grade inflammation does not have symptoms, but still, your doctor can conduct a test for C-reactive protein (CRP) to identify them.
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Living with high levels of CRP is not at all suitable for anyone because it poses a risk for severe heart disease. Therefore, it is vital for the person in maintaining a healthy lifestyle in keeping the inflammations in check.
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What Can Cause Inflammation of The Coronary Arteries of The Heart?
The coronary artery disease of the heart can develop when all, or most of the major blood vessels that provide heart the oxygen, nutrients and blood get damaged, blocked or suffer from any disease.
The main reason because of which the coronary artery disease takes place is due to the inflammation and plaque, also identified as cholesterol-containing deposits.
When the building of plaque occurs, the coronary arteries can get narrower. As a result, the decreased blood flow can not only result in pain in the chest but also the shortness of breath (dyspnea), and other signs and symptoms related to other kinds of coronary artery disease.
A heart attack can also take place because of the complete coronary artery blockage.
Though the coronary heart disease gets developed over time, at least within ten years, any person would not notice the problem until he experiences a significant blockage, angina pain or a heart attack.
Though, a lot can be done for the prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease. The considerable impact of a healthy lifestyle can take place in this regard.
The leading causes of coronary artery disease are:
- High cholesterol levels
- Insulin resistance or diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Smoking
- Sedentary lifestyle

The lifestyle habits that can prove essential for treating coronary artery disease and even could help in the prevention are below.
- It is necessary to quit smoking
- The control of diseases such as high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure are important
- Staying active is important
- Consumption of a low-fat, whole grain, vegetables and fruits is necessary
- Managing and reducing stress is crucial
- The maintenance of a healthy weight also has a high significance
Tip: This is the Guide To Best Protein Drinks For Diabetes with 7 Best Protein Powders and Shakes with Serving Tips.
Tips On Monitoring and Managing High Blood Pressure With an Inflammation
A few tips to help you to monitor and manage high blood pressure with inflammation are below.
Helping yourself with early diagnosis
Self-monitoring can assist the doctor in diagnosing the high blood pressure with an inflammation quite early in comparison with the situation if there would be just occasional blood pressure readings in a medical office.
Home monitoring is very much vital if there is a problem of elevated BP.
Other conditions can have a significant contribution to hypertension too. The two issues in this regard can be kidney problems and diabetes.
The tracking of the treatment is necessary
The regular checking of blood pressure is essential. It is further vital to assess whether the present medications or lifestyle changes are working or not.
Encouragement of better control
Self-monitoring can also provide a stronger sense of responsibility for health to any person. It will provide significant motivation for controlling the blood pressure with the improved diet, proper medication, and even to continue with the physical activity.
Cut down the healthcare costs
Self-to monitor and managing of the high BP are proved to be essential for decreasing the number of visits you made to the doctor’s clinic. And, it can cut your total long-term healthcare cost too.
Tip: You could consider ResPerate Device to lower your blood pressure norm.
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