If you have diabetes, it’s likely you struggle occasionally, knowing whether a food is good for you, or whether it’s bad for you. Many foods have been researched and looked into, as well as had articles written about them, trying to break everything down and explain whether or not that certain food is good with those who have diabetes. Well, here’s another one of those. Today, we will be looking into the fruit known as Avocado. For instance, Is Avocado Oil Good For Diabetics?

You might know or tried of this fruit ‘Avocado’, but do you really know well about it? Do you know the origins of the fruit, the nutrients it holds, and the sugar levels of it? Much about Avocado Oil and how that effects’ your health?

Well, that’s what we were going to be discussing today, so if you didn’t know before, you will after reading this.

So, let’s get started…

What is Avocado?

An avocado is a type of fruit from a tree that likely originated in South Central Mexico. It’s typically classified as a member of the flowering plant family called Lauraceae. The fruit of the tree, the avocado itself, is botanically a large berry, that contains only one single, quite large seed in the middle of the fruit.

You probably see avocados just about any time you’re in the grocery store in the fruits and vegetable section. They’re quite popular with some people, though others don’t like that fruit all that much.

Avocado is what is used to make guacamole, and it’s often thrown into salads and wraps, whether it’s a spring roll wrap, or a sandwich wrap.

So now that you know what an avocado is, let’s take a look at the nutrition an avocado hold within it.

What is the Nutrition Content in an Avocado?

The nutritious content in Avocado is in the table below:


Amount in the fruit


12.79 grams


Less than 1 gram


10.1 grams


22 grams



Is Avocado High in Sugar?

As you can probably see from the table above, Avocados are definitely NOT high in sugar. Though most people consider fruit “healthy”, it’s often filled with some sugar. Avocado, however, is not like that, as each avocado has less than 1 gram of sugar inside of it.

Avocados are mostly made up of carbs, fiber, and fat, as you can see on the table above. Despite being classified as a fruit, Avocado is definitely more like a vegetable in the sense that it is actually a healthy fruit, and it holds lots of nutrition, but very little sugar.

If you’re worried about eating avocado due to your diabetes, or if you’re worried about your blood sugar for another reason, just know that you can eat avocado without the fear of your blood sugar spiking, because it’s not a food that will cause that.

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What is Avocado Oil?

Just like coconut oil, or olive oil, avocado oil is an edible oil that has been extracted from the pulp of the food it was named after, in this case, the avocado. It is used both on raw foods, as well as used for cooking other foods, which is actually where it is noted for its highest smoking point.

Although there are many recipes that require a specific kind of oil, avocado oil, olive oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, and many more can often be substituted for each other if you don’t have the specific oil the recipe calls for. If you do that though, just read through to the bottom of this article where I compare each type of oil.

How is Avocado Oils Prepared?

The process of preparing avocado oil is easy to explain, and overall, can be pretty simple to conduct. The process for removing oil is probably exactly what you think it’d be, as it’s just a mechanical extraction of the oil, similar to olive oil extraction.

The only difference is, due to the fact they’re doing it to an avocado, they must remove the skin and the seed in the middle in order to extract the oil.

What is the Nutrition Content in Avocado Oil?

The nutritious content in avocado oil is in the table below:

The Nutrient

The Amount

Total Fat

14 g


0 mg

Total Carbohydrates

0 g



Now that we’ve discussed the nutritious content that avocado oil holds, let’s go through and compare avocado oil to a handfuls of other cooking oils. We’ll find out what the similarities and differences are, as well as possibly figure out which oil you personally might want to use. So, let’s get started.

Avocado Oil vs Canola Oil – What are the Differences?

These two oils, although can occasionally be used in the same ways, have quite a few differences to them.

Their nutrients are mostly the same, as they both have the same amount of total fat, and almost no other nutrients. Only, Canola oil has no vitamins in it, and while avocado oil doesn’t have much, it still holds some vitamins inside of it. Specifically, vitamin E.

But, out of all of the differences, there is one that sets them apart in a major way. Canola oil is a vegetable oil, so just like vegetable oil, canola oil is chemically processed, while Avocado oil is not Avocado oil hasn’t really been processed at all.

In other words, it more of a natural product than canola oil. Be sure to keep that in mind if you’re deciding which oil would be better to cook with or use for something.

Avocado Oil vs Olive Oil – What are the Differences?

Avocado oil and olive oil are surprisingly similar to each other. In fact, it’s often said that the difference between the two is irrelevant, and insignificant because they two are incredibly similar to each other.

Both oils are primarily made up of oleic acid, which is a beneficial monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid. They both have the same benefits too. They both benefit heart health, as well as skin health, and can even help heal wounds you may have on your skin.

The only differences seem to be that avocado oil seems to have 2 grams of polyunsaturated fat, while canola oil has 1.5, and avocado has 23% of the Daily value of vitamin E, while olive oil has 33%. In just about every other way, they’re the same. The two oils even have the same number of calories per serving.

The fact they’re so similar to each other is the reason people say the difference is “insignificant”. The oils are just too alike for the tiny differences to mean anything.

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Avocado Oil vs Vegetable Oil – What are the Differences?

As we discussed earlier, Canola oil is a vegetable oil, and therefore, they have the same main difference between them, and avocado oil. This difference is vegetable oil is chemically processed, while avocado oil is not.

They’re similar in ways such as they both have the same amount of fat and can generally be used for the same things. However, that one difference about how vegetable oil is chemically processed and avocado oil isn’t can make all the difference in the world. So beware of this difference before you decide which oil to purchase and cook with (if you have a choice about which oil to use).

Of course, the choice is up to you about which oil you chose to cook with, but avocado oil is consistently on lists about which oils are better to cook with. It tastes good, and it’s good for you, a combination you don’t always get.

Vegetable oil tastes good as well, but it’s not always the healthiest choice due to the processing of it. I just felt the need to add this bit of information before you may make a decision about which oil to use for your cooking.

Now that we’ve talked about the differences between avocado oil and a handfuls of other oils, let’s get to the main point of this article, and discuss whether avocado oil is good for, or should be avoided by, those with diabetes.

So, let’s get started.

Health Benefits of Avocado Oil for Diabetics

So, it’s true, avocado oil doesn’t harm diabetics. In fact, avocado oil isn’t just not harmful to those with diabetes, it actually can benefit them in a few ways. It can benefit others as well, but specifically can benefit diabetics with the benefits that it holds.

Avocado oil, though high in fat, is very low in sugar, so there’s no risk to blood sugar, as we discovered about avocado’s in general earlier. That doesn’t change when you turn it into an oil, even if you add other things to that oil. And as I said, avocado oil is high in fat, and because of the fact that the fats are considered “good fats”, they even can help lower your chances of complications you might be more likely to have as a diabetic, like a heart attack, or a stroke.

The oil also holds lots of vitamins, other nutrients, and fiber, making it overall healthy to consume, in more ways than one, not only for diabetics, but for just about anyone.

Now that we’ve discussed some benefits of avocado oil, let’s discuss some of the possible negative side effects’ that consuming avocado oil may potentially bring on.

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Possible Side Effects of Consuming Avocado Oil

Just like with medication, food can essentially have side effects’ on your body when you consume it.

There are a handfuls of side effects’ that you could potentially get if you consume either avocado, avocado oil, or other avocado products. Though most people don’t get side effects’ from consuming these things, some people do, and it’s possible for them to negatively affect you in quite a few ways. Some even causing major damage.

So, here is the list of possible side effects’ you could experience if you consume avocado or avocado oil.

  • Possible weight gain, as the product is full of fat.

If you’re watching your weight for any reason, just make note of this, and make sure to watch how much of the oil (or just the fruit) you consume.

  • It can cause stomach issues, resulting in diarrhea, nausea, and/or vomiting.

It may also cause stomach pain, ranging from a bit uncomfortable to severe. It may come with the other symptoms, or without the other symptoms.

Just make sure to listen to your body, and if you get any of the symptoms I’ve mentioned, stop eating the avocado or avocado oil right away.

  • It can act as a ‘blood thinner’.

When you’re not careful with your consumption, avocado and avocado oil can be considered a “blood thiner”, which can result in lots of damage, in case you get hurt in some way that creates a bruise or a cut.

If this is the case, it’s typically due to either consuming way too much, or it interact with some other medication you may be on (see number 8). So be careful, especially when taking medications it could potentially react with in a negative way.

  • It can lower the HDL

Avocado and avocado oil can potentially lower HDL cholesterol, which sounds good when you read that at first glance and see the word “cholesterol” in there. However, HDL cholesterol is the good kind of cholesterol that your body needs, and having lower levels of it can potentially make you fairly sick.

  • Avocado and avocado oil is high in potassium.

Yes, while you do need potassium in a well-balanced diet, but consuming too much can have negative effects’ in your body.

Avocado and avocado oil don’t just have a little bit of potassium in it, they have quite a lot of it. So consuming a little bit can give you a high dose of it. Which, of course, is okay, but just be sure to manage how much avocado you consume to ensure that you don’t get too much potassium in your system.

  • Possible issues with the liver can occur.

Avocado contains two components called estragole and anethole, which, if you consume too much, or even if you consume a little but are just sensitive to it, can damage your liver. So this is another reason to be careful while consuming avocado, as sometimes, liver damage can be irreversible.

  • Allergic reactions

Of course, just like everything else, it’s possible to be allegoric to avocado/avocado oil, so beware of the fact it can potentially cause an allergic reaction.

  • Can interact with your medication

Finally, if you’re taking any medications, be sure to check and see if avocado and avocado oil is safe to consume while taking that specific medication, as that can have its own set of potential side effects’ and consequences.

Now that we’ve gone through and talked about the possible side effects’ you might develop by eating/ingesting avocado and avocado oil, let’s discuss the situations in which avocado may be harmful to the consumer.

When Avocado Oils Harmful?

Lots of people don’t consider a food like avocado something that could be harmful, due to the fact it’s labeled a fairly healthy fruit. However, the truth is that there are a couple situations in which avocado can potentially be a very harmful thing.

Here are a few situations in which avocado can potentially harm somebody:

  • While pregnant or breast-feeding

Avocado reduces milk production in women, and can even potentially damage the mammary gland. Plus, avocado can not usually be ingested by a baby stomach, as it’s too sensitive for something like avocado.

  • If you have a latex intolerance, you should avoid avocado.

Avocado is known to increase the level of serum IgE, which will heighten your sensitivity to Avocados.

So, if you do have a latex intolerance, be careful when consuming avocado or any avocado products, which as avocado oil, as it might have a negative effect on your body.

  • If you are somebody who has hypersensitivity, you should also avoid avocado.

Avocado (as well as avocado oil) has been shown to increase the effects’ hypersensitivity has on someone, as well as increases the intensity of it.

  • It’s an oil of a ‘fatty’ fruit

Finally, as I explained under “Possible Side Effects of Consuming Avocado Oil”, as well as when we were discussing the nutritious content on Avocados and avocado oil, there is a lot of fat in both the fruit itself, and the oil.

In fact, Avocado oil is full of fat, its fat amount is almost always through the roof. Now, while the fats that avocado and avocado oil holds are all considered “healthy” fats, too much can be… Well… Too much.

If you consume too much of just about anything, it can be too much for you and can potentially make you sick.

Plus, if you’re somebody who is not supposed to have much fat for any reason at all, avocado and avocado oil should be something that you should avoid.

Of course, no matter who you are or what conflicted conditions you may have or medications you might be on, eating too much of anything can be bad for you, and potentially be harmful. Be careful when consuming avocado, because even though one or two doesn’t negatively impact the average person, too much can still be harmful and can potentially cause damage.

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In conclusion, diabetics should not be concerned about consuming avocado, or avocado oil. There are no risks specific to diabetics, as there’s barely any sugar in it, so it will not cause a spike in blood sugar.

In fact, it can even potentially benefit those who struggle with diabetes, as we talked about above. However, just because there are no risks specific to diabetics, that doesn’t mean that there are no risks at all, either to people suffering from other specific conditions, or people in general.

As we’ve also concluded, avocado and avocado oil is high in fat, which can create some complications for people, and can make anybody sick if they consume enough.

So, there you have it. Avocado and avocado oil both pose no threat to diabetics, and can even benefit them in a handfuls of ways.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and even learned something new along the way.