Epsom salt is not like table salt, which we use in food. It’s a unique kind of salt which used as medicine from past many years. It has a bitter taste. And, some claim it helps control blood pressure, when you use Epsom salt for baths. But, Does Epsom Salt Bath Lower Blood Pressure?
Let’s find out…
Epsom Salt is a mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate, and is in fact known as magnesium sulfate.
Magnesium sulfate is a mineral that a considerable lot of us are deficient in, as levels have been diminishing in the course of the last 3 to 4 decades around the globe.
It’s made out of vapid, minuscule, and precious stones that appear as though table salt. Yet it’s really a totally unique thing, as table salt consists of sodium chloride.
The absence of this significant ‘supplement’ in our bodies result due to a mix of issues. Including over the improvement of agrarian land that filters basic minerals like magnesium and other minor components from the dirt, the abuse of professionally prescribed drugs, the use of handled and quick nourishments, and more…. But, that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
The deficiency causes significant damage, draining the body’s collection of magnesium, which is one reason Epsom salt can be a significant piece of enhancing one’s wellbeing.
Additionally, it is also a characteristic of body calming and cleanser, that can be used for treating muscle pains and dry skin. When you absorb a steaming shower with a cupful of Epsom salt, to make the most of its prestigious restorative and mending properties, all around.
What is Epsom Salt?
Epsom is a chemical compound made up of oxygen, magnesium, and sulfur. It is also called as a bath salt or magnesium sulfate due to its composition.
Tip: Magnesium can help you prevent panic attacks.
Although Epsom salt is a completely different compound than common table salt, it has a chemical structure similar to salt.
It is often dissolvable in the bath and similar to table salt.
Its name is originated from a town of Epsom in Surrey located in England.
Many people used this salt in drinking water. It has a bitter and unpalatable taste which distinguish it from normal salt and probably not used in food.
Since a long time, people used Epsom salt as a treatment for insomnia, fibromyalgia and constipation. Also, It has magnesium which is a good mineral for the human body.
It is commonly available in grocery stores, cosmetic shops and pharmacies.

Tip: Did you know that soak your feet in a warm bath with Epsom salt can help to remove Corns?
Epsom Salt Benefits
The two main components, magnesium and sulfate in Epsom salt, enhance its effectiveness for the human being. These ingredients stimulate detoxification pathways when combines together.
Little research on detoxifying effects of Epsom salt is documented, whereas, magnesium is a natural compound that helps to remove toxins from the body. On the other hand, sulfate helps in strengthening the walls of the digestive tract, which makes toxins to release easily from the body.
Soothe the Skin
Epsom salt is beneficial for Psoriasis and Eczema patients.
Taking the bath of Epsom salt can better skin condition and soften dry, rough skin. It also helps in exfoliating dead skin cells of the body.
Its effect varies from person to person, so it’s best to ask your doctor before using as a bath because it may be adverse to the skin condition.
Draw out Splinters
Splinters are usually deep and don’t come out easily. So taking the bath of Epsom salt for some time can minimize inflammation.
It softens the affected area and helps to remove the splinter easily. Otherwise, it could be difficult to remove, without pushing them further into the skin.
Relief in pain and soreness
People having a certain type of inflammatory conditions like arthritis, gout, rheumatoid, lupus, and psoriatic arthritis can take a bath with Epsom salt. This helps in reducing swelling, pain and stiffness.
Due to the presence of magnesium, it can ease the pain of arthritis patients. Also, magnesium has detoxifying agents it helps in reducing toxins from the body.
Drinking Epsom Salt
If Epsom salt is taken orally, then it must be dissolved in plenty of water. A drop of lemon can add more taste to it. Oral intake is safe if taken in a less amount. It acts as a laxative, when used by constipated patients.
Reduce Stress
Taking a warm bath of Epsom salt can reduce the level of stress by releasing toxins, and muscle tension from the body. Also, it helps in recuperating the body after a hectic routine.
Research has found that Epsom salt benefits people suffering from physical and mental stress. It is because the magnesium level is maintained in the body, although oral supplements of Epsom salt had the same effect.
Similarly, magnesium levels enhance brain neurotransmitters, which are responsible for reducing stress and inducing sleep in the human body.
This salt can also boost melatonin, a hormone which induces sleep.
Enhance foot health
One can get away from the odor of foot by soaking them into the water. It really benefits an athlete’s foot.
Also, it helps in ingrown toenail infection. Soaking feet in Epsom salt can relieve itching and helps to heal faster.
What is an Epsom Salt Bath?
Epsom salt has the characteristic that it absorbs through the skin. So it reduces the deficiency of minerals from the body. Also, the bath can work to relieve muscle tension, pain, and inflammation in joints.
Submerge yourself in a Luke Warm Epsom salt tub to relieve anxiety complications or relieve belly cramps. Tired and sore toes will even enjoy the therapeutic temperature of an Epsom salt soak. The bath is very helpful in periods and for pregnant women.
How to Get an Epsom Salt Bath?
There are no side effects of taking a warm bath for people with non-severe blood pressure.
According to Mayo Clinic, it is recommended to take two cups of Epsom salt per gallon (3.78 L) of warm water. In addition, it is good to get checked by your doctor if you are frequently facing high blood pressure.
Although Epsom salt can temporarily lower blood pressure, as it is not a permanent solution, it may also cause dryness to your skin.
Low-level Epsom Salt concentration, can be achieved by one of the below ways:
- It should be of 1:1 ratio that is if you are taking one cup of salt then the water must be of 1 gallon. This ratio can be increased up to 1.5 cups of Epsom salt to 1 gallon of warm water. Or
- Two cups of Epsom salt can be added to a bathtub of water.

Tip: Dead Seat Salt is rich in minerals and comes with many health benefits.
What Toxins Does Epsom salt Remove?
Epsom salt due to its composition used as a detoxifying agent.
Table salt does not have the same properties to be used as a detox bath. Therefore, salt baths are commonly made from Epsom salt. It allows for minerals to draw out toxins from the body.
The researchers say that soaking the body in an Epsom salt bath can eliminate harmful toxins and balances the body.
This detox bath may also aid in:
- v Relax the muscles of the body
- v Maintain health and weight
- v Give relief from sore muscles
Does Epsom Salt Bath Lower Blood Pressure?
Presence of magnesium sulfate in Epsom salt works as a relaxing agent for the body. A nice long soak in an Epsom salt bath can be a better cure to heal stress and pain.
Besides, the Epsom Salt bath also reduces blood pressure and slows the heart rate. In other words, if a patient is suffering from high blood pressure soaking in Epsom salt that can help to normalize blood pressure, which can ultimately improve heart health.
However, it’s not that simple.
Tip: Himalayan Salt Inhalers works well on stress on some.
Can You Take an Epsom Salt Bath If You Have High Blood Pressure?
If veins are tightened because of caffeine, chronic stress or a huge number of different issues, magnesium will help the veins to unwind. In this case, a bath of magnesium will help to relax blood vessels. This does exclude the physical squares in the vessels, for example, plaques.
Anyway, there is some proof that Epsom salts can help forestall solidifying of the corridors and other cardiovascular issues.
How Can Epsom Salt Bath Affect Your High Blood Pressure?
One can ingest magnesium from Epsom salts which may assist with advancing lower circulatory strain by loosening up the veins.
Korean scientists report fragrance based treatment with aromas like lavender may assist with a diminishing daytime pulse, hypertension, and cortisol levels.
Foot harm is frequently brought about by helpless dissemination and nerve harm. Both of these conditions can be brought about by high glucose levels after some time. Therefore, a few people can absorb their feet in Epsom salt showers, this home cure isn’t suggested for individuals with diabetes. Dousing your feet may raise your danger of foot issues.

Tip: Chinen salt is a better salt for diabetics.
How Long Should You Soak in Epsom Salts?
Depending on the reason, the table shows how long you should an Epsom Salt bath for.
Benefits | Duration for Soaking |
Muscle pain and soreness | 12-minute bath soak |
Splinters | Epsom salt paste |
Magnesium balance | 12-20 minute bath soak |
Ingrown toenails | 12-minute bath soak |
Laxative |
20-minute bath soak Or Oral intake: 10-30 grams for adult and 5-6 grams for above 6 years. |
Relaxation and anti-stress | 1-hour bath soak |
Softer skin | 20-minute bath soak |
Absorption of magnesium is the biggest advantage of an Epsom salt bath.
In the last century, a study showed that Americans’ intake of magnesium has reduced to 50 per cent. This trend has, in return has increased the complications like heart illness, high blood pressure and hyperactivity. They are facing irregular blood clots, muscle spasms, low heartbeat, high blood pressure, and stiff arteries due to their low level of magnesium level in their body. That is why magnesium is helpful in maintaining healthy arteries and other heart-related diseases.
Should You Rinse Off After an Epsom Salt Bath?
Epsom’s baths are an old remedy to ease sore muscles and to reduce bruises. In this way, the body’s magnesium level is retained as the minerals soak into the skin. This helps in stress relieve by increasing the level of serotonin and reducing the effects of adrenaline.
Research shows that magnesium can boost stamina as well as energy. Epsom salt rinses off the skin easily and leaves the skin soft and smooth.

How To Rinse Off After an Epsom Salt Bath?
In an average-sized bathtub, add two cups of Epsom salt to warm bathwater.
If you have an oversized bathtub, then double the amount of Epsom salt and water.
It is advised by Epsom Salt Council to take a bath 3 times in a week for 12 minutes each. However, an article of the American College of Healthcare Sciences recommends soaking for not more than 10 minutes. Also, they stated that toxins in your body will be eliminated during the soak and will be absorbed again after 10 minutes. Hence, there is no study found on recommending taking a freshwater shower after an Epsom salt bath.
What are the Side Effects of Epsom Salt Baths?
Generally, it is quite safe to used Epsom salt as a bathe. Although one should stop using Epsom salt if they experience skin infection, itching, hives or rashes.
For the people who have not taken a bath of Epsom salt before should try a patch test. In that way, they will know how their body is reacting to magnesium and sulfate before jumping into a salt bath.
Another precaution one must follow is to avoid submerging broken skin in the bath of Epsom salt.
The following people must avoid the consumption of Epsom salt orally. If they experience potentially dangerous and unwanted results.
- Children especially below 6 years
- A pregnant woman
- Patient having heart disease
- People having kidney disease
- People with severe hypertension
The following effect may be experienced by drinking Epsom salt.
- Extreme fatigue
- Blurry vision
- Fainting or dizziness
- Difficulty in breathing
- Heartbeat issues
- Upset stomach
- Muscle weakness
- Changes in bladder habits
- Diarrhea

Tip: Do you think Smoked Salt healthy?
Epsom salt is a composition of magnesium, oxygen, and sulfate. It is not a suitable ingredient for cooking because it has a bitter taste. It has detoxifying and healing properties and naturally occurring compounds.
Over many years people have been using it as a natural remedy that relieves inflammation, muscle pain, and constipation. However, there is no strong scientific research to support these claims.
Generally, Epsom Salt is safe for children and adults, but one should avoid drinking solution of Epsom salt. The possible side effects of consuming Epsom salt are diarrhea, muscle weakness, and irregular heartbeat.